Running a Cadence

Note: Cadences is a feature of Signal by EverTrue. If you have questions about Signal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

After adding constituents to your cadences, you can begin outreach by working your way through your cadence steps. Each cadence step includes a tooltip that offers a brief description of its outreach task - simply hover over the info icon to read it! 

For example, in the Research Donor and LinkedIn Follow step seen in the screenshot, you can use EverTrue to learn more about the constituent. This research can start directly in the Cadences tab by clicking on a constituent’s View button for a preview of their giving and interaction details. We’ll even include a link to their LinkedIn profile if one has been sourced by EverTrue enrichment data, making completing this step a breeze!

Below, we will review how to run cadence call and email steps. Let’s get started!

Running a Cadence Call Step

If you have successfully added a custom caller ID to your Signal Phone settings, you can make outbound phone calls directly from a cadence step.

Step 1. Open a Call Step

In your Cadences tab, choose the name of a cadence that contains steps requiring completion. Then, use the dropdown arrow next to a call step to expand it.

Step 2. Select Call Constituent 

Click on the three-dot button next to a constituent in the step, and select Call Constituent from the options menu. 

Step 3. Use the Dial Pad to Make a Call

A dial pad will appear in the bottom-right corner of your page. If the constituent’s phone numbers are imported into EverTrue, they will automatically populate in a dropdown at the top of the dial pad. The phone type (e.g., home, work) will also be included here if imported. Select the number you’d like to call from this dropdown, or use the keypad or your keyboard to type in an alternative phone number. When you’re ready, hit Call

  • Note: For constituents with a known primary address, you’ll find an indicator of their primary time zone displayed next to their name, making it easy to decide when to reach out to your donors. If no primary address is imported for a constituent, this indicator will not appear.  

Step 4. Mark Call Step as Complete and Move to Next Constituent in the Step 

Once you’ve made your call, you can mark this cadence step as complete by clicking on the circle that appears to the left of the constituent’s name. Watch as a green check mark appears and your cadence progress bars and step counters update accordingly! Accidentally marked a call step complete that wasn’t quite done? Click the check mark to reverse its status.  

If you head to your Tasks tab, you’ll also find this cadence step completed when filtering your table to Completed Tasks or All Tasks

Constituents will automatically populate in the appropriate cadence step on the day the step needs to be taken, so once you make your call, you can continue with phone outreach for the remaining constituents in the step! 

Though Signal’s phone outreach is optional for completing your cadence steps, we encourage using this in-app feature as its completion data informs your Clarity reporting dashboards. You can still make cadence calls via an office or personal phone as needed.

Running a Cadence Email Step

If you have successfully authenticated either your Google or Microsoft email account in EverTrue, you can send outbound emails directly from a cadence step.

Step 1. Open an Email Step

In your Cadences tab, choose the name of a cadence that contains steps requiring completion. Then, use the dropdown arrow next to an email step to expand it.

Step 2. Select Email Constituent 

Click on the three-dot button next to a constituent in the step, and select Email Constituent from the options menu. 

Step 3. Compose Email and Send

An empty New Message email composer will appear in the bottom-right corner of your page. If the constituent’s primary email address is imported into EverTrue, it will automatically populate in the To field. However, you can remove it and input a different address if needed. 

Next, add a subject line, and either type the email body or insert a template from your library using the Email Templates button. You can use the formatting buttons at the top of the composer to adjust things like text size and alignment. If you need to add attachments to your email, click the paperclip button at the bottom-left of the composer. When you’re ready, hit Send

  • Note: Email attachments have a size limit of 25MB.

Step 4. Mark Email Step as Complete and Move to Next Constituent in the Step

Once you’ve sent your email, you can mark this cadence step as complete by clicking on the circle that appears to the left of the constituent’s name. Watch as a green check mark appears and your cadence progress bars and step counters update accordingly! Accidentally marked an email step complete that wasn’t quite done? Click the check mark to reverse its status.  

If you head to your Tasks tab, you’ll also find this cadence step completed when filtering your table to Completed Tasks or All Tasks

Constituents will automatically populate in the appropriate cadence step on the day the step needs to be taken, so once you send your email, you can continue with email outreach for the remaining constituents in the step! 

Though Signal’s email outreach is optional for completing your cadence steps, we encourage using this in-app feature as its completion data informs your Clarity reporting dashboards. You can still send cadence emails via an external email browser or app as needed.

Reaching the End of a Cadence

When you mark the last step of a cadence as complete, an End of Cadence popup will appear in which you can choose from two action options: 

  1. Move to another cadence
  2. Remove from cadence

Select the appropriate action for the constituent and click Done in the upper-right corner to finish completing the last cadence step. 


For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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