Navigating Your Cadences Tab

Note: Cadences is a feature of Signal by EverTrue. If you have questions about Signal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Let’s explore the Cadences tab, accessible in your left-hand navigation bar! This will be your go-to space for running and managing your cadences. Below, we’ll review the functionalities you can expect from this space.  

Reviewing Your Cadences Tab Layout

Step 1. Review Your Cadence Calendar

On the top-left of your Cadences tab, you’ll see a calendar button displaying the current date. Cadence steps in need of earliest completion are determined by this date. If you want to look ahead at steps due on future dates, click the calendar to change the date. 

  • Note: Cadence steps are automatically not scheduled to be due on the weekend. If you select a date falling on a Saturday or Sunday, no steps will be due on that day.
  • Note: Cadence steps do not account for holidays, but you can change a step’s due date to account for this!    

Step 2. Review Your Cadence Step Counters

Beneath the calendar button, you’ll find buttons for each of your available cadences. Clicking one reveals a cadence’s step counter and progress bar. This counter tallies steps due for the chosen cadence on the selected calendar date. If you have any steps due for that date that have not yet been completed, they will populate here according to step type. As you complete cadence steps, these numbers and the progress bar will dynamically update.

  • Note: In this counter, the cadence steps of Research Donor and LinkedIn Follow and Email or Call will populate beside the list icon. 

Step 3. Review Your Cadence Settings Icon

On the right-hand side of your tab, you’ll notice a settings gear icon.

Clicking on this icon will take you to your EverTrue Settings page. Here, you can access the ability to pause cadences within the Cadences settings tab (and manage Email and Phone Signal settings!).

Step 4. Review Your Cadence Steps

The majority of your Cadences tab is dedicated to breaking down individual cadence steps. Remember, cadences are structured outreach plans that prompt you to execute specific steps on specific days. Clicking on a cadence name will display the outreach steps that make up that cadence. Think of these steps as your automated to-do lists!  

Next to each cadence name, you’ll notice a number indicating the incomplete step count for steps due on the selected calendar date. Additionally, if there are steps that need to be completed within the cadence, you’ll see a progress bar next to the step that updates dynamically as steps are marked as complete. This bar tracks progress for that individual step, while the bar in the cadence’s step counter monitors progress across all of the cadence’s steps.

Reviewing Cadence Step Actions

Step 1. Review a Step’s Dropdown Arrow

When a step is ready to be taken for a constituent within a cadence, a dropdown arrow will appear to the right of its name. Clicking this arrow will reveal all constituents in that step, along with additional buttons that can be used to take further action (which we’ll cover next!). When the constituent data is available, details such as class year, constituency, and time zone will be displayed alongside each constituent. If a step is overdue, this will also be noted.

Step 2. Review a Step’s Three-Dot Button

Each constituent in a cadence step has a three-dot button to the right of their name, which can be used to access different step actions you can take. These actions fall under two categories: 

  1. Contact: Access calling and emailing outreach features to connect with the constituent. 
  2. Cadence: Access cadence management features that enable you to move the constituent to other cadences or remove them from the existing cadence, edit their step due date, or skip the step.

You can learn more about these step actions in our article, Running a Cadence.

Step 3. Review a Step’s View Button

Each constituent in a cadence step also has a View button to the right of their name, which can be clicked to preview constituent details without having to navigate to their profile. Here, you’ll find insights like:

  • Gift History: Preview a constituent’s most recent giving history.
  • Pinned Comments: Review a constituent’s most recent pinned comments, or add a new pinned comment.  
  • Interactions: Review a constituent’s most recent interactions, or add a new interaction. 

  • Note: When available, you will also have access to the constituent’s LinkedIn profile link and household member information from this preview screen. 

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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