Reviewing Your Collaborative Tasks

Note: Collaborative Tasks is a feature of Signal by EverTrue. If you have questions about Signal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

After you've either assigned or been assigned tasks, you can review them within either your Tasks tab or a constituent's profile (if the constituent was linked to a task). You’ll also find an overview of your task totals in the Upcoming section of your Signal Home tab. Below, we'll take a detailed look at how your tasks will appear in these locations. Follow along with either our video tutorial or written steps! 

Video Tutorial: Reviewing Your Collaborative Tasks

Reviewing Tasks in the Tasks Tab

When reviewing tasks in the Tasks tab, you'll find them sorted into three different tables:

  1. Your Tasks: This table includes all tasks assigned to you.
  2. Assigned by You: This table includes all tasks you assigned to others on your team.
  3. AI Suggestions: This table includes follow-up tasks recommended by AI that are based on recent interactions tied to your assigned constituents. This table will only be accessible if you have already opted into using EverTrue’s AI features.

Below, we will review how the Your Tasks and Assigned by You tables are organized. Take a look at our dedicated article to learn more about using the AI Suggestions table!

Step 1. View Tasks Assigned to You

You can view tasks assigned to you in the Your Tasks table. Next to its name, you'll see a number indicating the table's count of incomplete tasks due today. The table itself displays task name, respective constituent (if added to the task), due date, action type, and creator. To see a task's description, click its name for a detailed view.

If a task is overdue, this status will be noted beneath its due date.

  • Note: If you’ve added a constituent to a cadence, their cadence steps will also appear in this table. A label indicating the constituent’s current cadence and cadence step will be displayed below the task name, making it easy to differentiate between ad-hoc tasks and cadence steps.  

Step 2. View Tasks Assigned by You

To view tasks you've assigned to other team members, head to the Assigned by You table.  Next to its name, you'll see a number indicating the table's count of incomplete tasks due today. The table itself displays task name, respective constituent (if added to the task), due date, action type, and assignee. To see a task's description, click its name for a detailed view.

If a task is overdue, this status will be noted beneath its due date.

Step 3. Change a Task Table's Default View

By default, tasks in both tables are organized by ascending due date. Tasks without due dates are displayed first, followed by tasks with the earliest upcoming due dates. Use the dropdown and arrows found at a table's top-right corner to change how your tasks are organized.

Step 4. Filter on Tasks

In the top-left corner of each table, you'll find a dropdown that can be used to filter your tasks by completion status. By default, tasks are filtered to Incomplete Tasks. Use this dropdown to view Completed Tasks or All Tasks.

  • Note: A Completed At column, indicating a task’s completion date, will be added to your tables when filtered to Completed Tasks or All Tasks.

Step 5. Mark a Task Complete

When you're ready to mark a task as complete, simply click the circle that appears to the left of its name! If your table is filtered to either Completed Tasks or All Tasks, you will see this newly-finished task paired back to a green checkmark. A completion date will populate beneath the Completed At column.

Accidentally mark a task complete that wasn't quite done? Click the check mark to reverse the task's status!

  • Note: You can only mark tasks assigned to you as complete, limiting this action to tasks found in the Your Tasks table.

Reviewing Tasks in a Constituent Profile 

Once tasks linked to a constituent have been created, you can view them within their profile's Tasks tab. Below, we'll take a detailed look at how this tab's table is organized! 

Step 1. Open a Constituent's Tasks Tab

To view tasks linked to a specific constituent, open a constituent profile and click into the Tasks tab.

Step 2. View All Tasks Linked to the Constituent

This tab's table includes all tasks linked to a constituent, both those assigned by you and those assigned by your teammates. The table displays task name, due date, action type, assignee, and creator. To see a task's description, click its name for a detailed view. 

If a task is overdue, this status will be noted beneath its due date.

  • Note: If you or a teammate have added the constituent to a cadence, their cadence steps will also appear in this table. A label indicating the constituent’s current cadence and cadence step will be displayed below the task name, making it easy to differentiate between ad-hoc tasks and cadence steps.  

Step 3. Change the Task Table's Default View

By default, tasks are organized by ascending due date. Tasks without due dates are displayed first, followed by tasks with the earliest upcoming due dates. Use the dropdown and arrows found at the table's top-right corner to change how the constituent tasks are organized.

Step 4. Filter on Tasks

In the top-left corner of the Tasks table, you'll find a dropdown that can be used to filter the constituent tasks by completion status. By default, tasks are filtered to Incomplete Tasks. Use this dropdown to view Completed Tasks or All Tasks.

  • Note: A Completed At column, indicating task completion date, will be added to your tables when filtered to Completed Tasks or All Tasks.

Step 5. Mark a Task Complete

When you're ready to mark a task as complete, simply click the circle that appears to the left of its name! If tasks are filtered by Completed Tasks or All Tasks, you will see this newly-finished task paired back to a green checkmark. A completion date will populate beneath the Completed At column.

Accidentally mark a task complete that wasn't quite done? Click the check mark to reverse the task's status!

  • Note: You can only mark tasks assigned to you as complete.

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at

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