All About: Signal Collaborative Tasks

Note: Collaborative Tasks is a feature of Signal by EverTrue. If you have questions about Signal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

What are Signal EverTrue Collaborative Tasks?

Signal Collaborative Tasks offer the ability to create and track your tasks directly in our platform. Think of them as your digitized prospecting and segmenting to-do list! This feature provides a dedicated space for managing post-meeting work, making it easier than ever to build and maintain relationships with prospective donors.

Using Collaborative Tasks, you can link tasks to constituents, assign tasks to others on your team, and set up email notifications to ensure you never miss a due date. Tasks can be added from multiple locations within the Signal platform:

  • The + Add Task button of your Tasks tab.
  • The checklist button of a constituent profile.
  • The + Add Task button of a constituent profile’s Tasks tab.
  • The + Add Task button found in the Upcoming section of your Home tab.

Below, we will take a look at how to add tasks from the Tasks tab and from a constituent profile, and how to set up Collaborative Task email alerts. We’ll also highlight what more is to come for this feature! Follow along with either our video tutorial or written steps.

Video Tutorial: Adding Tasks and Setting Email Alerts 


Adding Tasks in the Tasks Tab

The Tasks tab located in your left-hand navigation bar is the primary location where you can use our Collaborative Tasks feature. Next to the tab's name, you'll see a blue dot indicating your incomplete and/or overdue tasks that are due today.

This tab displays comprehensive lists of both your tasks, and tasks assigned by you in table views. You can add and assign new tasks and set up email alerts within this page. Let's explore how to take these actions! 

Step 1. Click the + Add Task Button

To create a new task, navigate to your Tasks tab and click + Add Task in the upper-right corner. If you don't yet have any assigned tasks, you'll also find an + Add Task button in the middle of your page.

Step 2. Input and Save Task Details

An Add Task popup will appear where you can input the following information:

  • Constituent - Use this field if you'd like to link the task to an individual constituent. Search constituents by name to find and link them. Tasks linked to constituents will also appear within their profiles. Tasks linked to a constituent will also appear within their profile’s Tasks tab.
  • Task Name (REQUIRED) - Use this field to add a title to your task. This title will populate beneath the Task Name column in your Tasks tables. Titles are limited to 120 characters. 
  • Description - Use this field to add details associated with the task. Descriptions are limited to 250 characters.
  • Action Type (REQUIRED) - Use this dropdown to specify the type of action you are associating with the task. Other, Research, Call, ThankView, LinkedIn, Print Mail (e.g., Pledgemine, other), Text, and Email are available options.
  • Assignee - Use this dropdown to specify who is responsible for completing the task. Please note, your name will auto-populate as the task's assignee unless you select another team member from the dropdown.
  • Due Date - Use this calendar selector to choose a due date for the task.

Click Save to finish adding the task!  

Step 3. Review Added Tasks

Once tasks have been added, you can review them within two different tables found in the Tasks tab:

  1. Your Tasks - This table includes all tasks assigned to you.
  2. Assigned by You - This table includes all tasks you assigned to others on your team.

For more information, check out our dedicated article on reviewing tasks in the Tasks tab!

Adding Tasks in a Constituent Profile

In addition to the dedicated Tasks tab found in your left-hand navigation bar, you can add and assign new tasks within individual constituent profiles. Each profile is equipped with its own Tasks tab where a comprehensive list of tasks linked to the respective constituent is displayed. Let's explore how to add tasks from profiles!

Step 1. Click the Checklist Button

To create a new task within a constituent profile, click the checklist button that appears at the top-right of the profile. This icon will be visible no matter what profile tab you are using. You'll also find an + Add Task button near the top of the profile's Tasks tab, or in the middle of the tab if the constituent does not yet have any linked tasks.

Step 2. Input and Save Task Details

An Add Task popup automatically linked to the respective constituent appears into which you can input the following information:  

  • Task Name (REQUIRED) - Use this field to add a title to your task. This will populate beneath the Task Name column in the constituent's Tasks table. Titles are limited to 120 characters. 
  • Description - Use this field to add details associated with the task. Descriptions are limited to 250 characters.
  • Action Type (REQUIRED) - Use this dropdown to specify the type of action you are associating with the task. Other, Research, Call, ThankView, LinkedIn, Print Mail (e.g., Pledgemine, other), Text, and Email are available options.
  • Assignee - Use this dropdown to specify who is responsible for completing the task. Please note, your name will auto-populate as the task's assignee unless you select another team member from the dropdown.
  • Due Date - Use this calendar selector to choose a due date for the task.

Click Save to finish adding the task! 

Step 3. Review Added Tasks

Once tasks linked to a constituent have been added, you can review them within a table found in their profile's Tasks tab. This table includes all tasks linked to a constituent, both those assigned by you and those assigned by your teammates. 

For more information, check out our dedicated article on reviewing tasks in a constituent profile!

Setting up Collaborative Task Alerts

Implementing alerts for Signal Collaborative Tasks ensures you receive email notifications on days your tasks are due. Below, we'll review how to set these up and how you can expect these email notifications to look!  

Step 1. Click the Email Alerts Button

To set up alerts, navigate to your Tasks tab and click Email Alerts.  

Step 2. Input and Save Alert Preferences

An Email Alerts popup will appear in which you can select the frequency of your alerts, the time at which you would like to receive them, and your time zone. 

Click Save to set your preferences.

Step 3. Review Your Collaborative Tasks Email Alerts

Your Collaborative Tasks email alerts will include the following task categories and details when applicable:

  • Overdue Tasks Assigned to You: Includes task name, associated constituent (if added), task action type, and number of days overdue. 
  • Tasks Due Today Assigned to You: Includes task name, associated constituent (if added), and task action type. 
  • Overdue Tasks You've Assigned: Includes task name, associated constituent (if added), task action type, and number of days overdue.
  • Tasks Due Today You’ve Assigned: Includes task name, associated constituent (if added), and task action type (this category is not shown in the below screenshot).

What's Next for Collaborative Tasks?

As you explore our Collaborative Tasks feature, please note the following future updates that are top-of-mind for our product team:

  • Additional email alert options. Currently, email notifications only send on task due dates and when tasks become overdue. We are working to expand alerts to allow for further customization. 
  • The ability to assign multiple solicitors to a task.

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at

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