All About: Filters
What are Filters?
Filters in EverTrue give you the power to narrow down your constituent base using data from both your internal CRM and our integrations. Whether you want to identify key donors, segment by engagement levels, or focus on donors in a specific location, our filters make it possible to gather these valuable insights.
To apply filters, navigate to the Constituents tab and click Filters in the upper-left corner of the table. To learn how to use some of these filters, explore our Using EverTrue Filters article!
Defining Filters
Filters are organized into specific categories, each designed to segment your constituent base based on particular criteria. Below is a breakdown of the available categories and their respective filters.
Note: Not all filters are listed in this resource.
Capacity Filters
- Lives in a Wealthy Neighborhood: Filter constituents by those who have an address in a census tract with a median home value greater than $1M, based on 2020 U.S. Census Bureau data.
- Neighborhood Median Home Value: Filter constituents by those whose home address neighborhood has a median home value within a specified range, based on 2020 U.S. Census Bureau data.
- Neighborhood Median Income: Filter constituents by those whose home address neighborhood has a median income within a specified range, based on 2020 U.S. Census Bureau data.
- Rated?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they have a capacity rating.
- Your Capacity Score: Filter constituents by your internal capacity score or ranking. Options are based on your organization’s specific scoring process (if provided).
Engagement Filters
- Engaged with Facebook Posts?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they have liked or commented on posts from your connected Facebook pages.
- Event Engagement: Filter constituents by the type of response they’ve given your events (e.g., “Checked In,” “Attending,” or “Can’t Go”) and by event dates.
- Facebook Post Content: Filter constituents by their engagement with posts containing specific keywords (e.g., contains “annual fund”).
- Facebook Post Engagement: Date: Filter constituents by dates of engagement with your Facebook posts.
- Facebook Post Engagement: Page: Filter constituents by the specific Facebook pages they’ve engaged with.
- Facebook Post Engagement: Type: Filter constituents by the type of reactions they’ve given your Facebook posts (e.g., Like, Wow, Love, Haha).
- Last Facebook Post Engagement Date: Filter constituents by those who last interacted with your Facebook posts within a specified date range.
- Total Facebook Post Comments: Filter constituents by the number of comments they’ve left on Facebook posts.
- Total Facebook Post Likes: Filter constituents by the number Facebook post likes they’ve given.
- Your Engagement Score: Filter constituents by your internal engagement score or ranking. Options are based on your organization’s specific scoring process (if provided). Please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for further explanation of this field if it's unclear.
Giving History Filters
- Categorized Giving: Filter constituents based on specific donor status, giving amounts, and giving dates for a particular giving category.
- Donor?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they have given at least once.
- Donor Potential Score: Filter constituents by their Donor Potential Score (DPS). DPS is an "RFM" algorithm that weighs the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary value of a constituent's donations to rate the strength of their giving history and helps identify high-value donors.
- Gift Transaction: Filter constituents based on whether or not they have gift transactions matching specific designation, designation category, campaign credit, gift date, and gift amount details.
- Giving Pattern: Filter constituents by their giving history category. Options include LYBUNT (Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year), SYBUNT (Some Year But Unfortunately Not This Year), Current Year Donor, and Non-Donor indicators.
- Largest Gift: Filter constituents by their highest single donation amount.
- Last Gift: Filter constituents by the amount of their most recent gift.
- Last Gift Date: Filter constituents by the date of their last contribution.
- Lifetime Giving: Filter constituents by their total lifetime giving amount.
- Pledge Balance: Filter constituents by their outstanding pledge balances (if your organization imports pledge balance data). For more information, contact your CSM.
- Recurring Payment?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they contribute regularly through recurring gifts.
Career Filters
This category’s filter results are dependent upon your organization’s imported career data. Career filters powered by EverTrue enriched data can be found within the Career Enrichment (Career Moves) category.
- Company: Filter constituents by those with a career in your CRM matching the selected company (e.g., Amazon).
- Function: Filter constituents by those with a career in your CRM matching the selected job function (e.g, Accounting).
- Industry: Filter constituents by those with a career in your CRM matching the selected industry (e.g., Aircraft).
- Title: Filter constituents by those with a career in your CRM matching the selected job title (e.g., Account Manager).
Donor Status Filters
- Assigned?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they are assigned to a solicitor.
- Assigned To: Filter constituents by their solicitor assignment.
- Deceased?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they are deceased. This filter defaults to “No.”
- Donor Score: Filter constituents by your internal donor score or rating. Options are based on your organization’s specific scoring process (if provided).
- Has Primary Email Address?: Filter constituents based on whether or not they have a designated primary email address. Use this filter to build an email marketing segment by only including constituents with primary emails.
- Prospect Status: Filter constituents by their status in the donor funnel. Options are based on your organization’s specific prospect status.
- Solicitation Code: Filter constituents by solicitation tracking codes. Options are based on your organization's specific solicitation codes. Please contact your CSM for further explanation of this field if it's unclear.
Education Filters
- Activities: Filter constituents by their extracurricular involvement (e.g. Book Club).
- Athletics: Filter constituents by their involvement in athletics (e.g. Baseball).
- Degree: Filter constituents by the type of diploma they obtained (e.g., BS, BA, Associate).
- Education Year: Filter constituents by the year they earned a degree (e.g., BS in Chemistry completed between 2010 and 2015.).
- Graduation Year: Filter constituents by the year they graduated.
- Major: Filter constituents by their field of study (e.g., Biology).
- Reunion Year Group: Filter constituents by specific reunion class. Groups are based on last digit and intervals of 5 (e.g., 2s and 7s return graduates of 2022, 2017, 2012, 2007, etc.).
- School Name: Filter constituents by their school affiliation. Depending on the data provided by your organization, options may include schools within your institution and other institutions (e.g., College of Fine Arts, Boston University).
Note: Education Year does not necessarily equate to the Graduation Year.
Location Filters
- Address Type: Filter constituents by the address types in your CRM (e.g., home address).
- City: Filter constituents by those with an address in your CRM matching the selected city(s). This filter includes an optional Primary Address Only checkbox that narrows results to constituents with a primary address tag in the selected city(s).
- Country: Filter constituents by those with an address in your CRM matching the selected country(s). This filter includes an optional Primary Address Only checkbox that narrows results to constituents with a primary address tag in the selected country(s).
- State: Filter constituents by those with an address in your CRM matching the selected state(s). This filter includes an optional Primary Address Only checkbox that narrows results to constituents with a primary address tag in the selected state(s).
- Zip Code: Filter constituents by those with an address in your CRM matching the selected zip code(s). This filter includes an optional Primary Address Only checkbox that narrows results to constituents with a primary address tag in the selected zip code(s).
Donor Info Filters
- Constituency: Filter constituents by their constituency type (e.g., Alumni, Parent, Board Member).
- Interests: Use EverTrue enriched data and social insights to filter constituents by their interests and affinities.
Interactions Filters
Interactions filters are only available to organizations sending interaction data. For more information, contact your CSM.
- Interaction Author: Filter constituents by author(s) of their interactions.
- Interaction Content: Filter constituents by keywords within their interactions.
- Interaction Date: Filter constituents by dates of their interactions.
- Interaction Type: Filter constituents by type(s) of their interactions (e.g. Meeting).
General Enrichment Data Filters
General Enrichment Data filters are powered by EverTrue enriched data. Learn more about one type of EverTrue enriched data, TrueView, in our dedicated help article!
- Constituent City: Filter constituents by those with an enriched address matching the selected city(s).
- Constituent Country: Filter constituents by those with an enriched address matching the selected country(s).
- Constituent Metro Area: Filter constituents by those with an enriched address matching the selected metropolitan area(s).
- Constituent State: Filter constituents by those with an enriched address matching the selected state(s).
Wealth Enrichment Filters
Wealth Enrichment filters are available to customers who have purchased Windfall. Learn more about Windfall Wealth Data in our dedicated help article!
- Net Worth: Filter constituents by those with a net worth within a specified range.
- Physical Assets: Filter constituents by those with significant assets (e.g., Boat Owner, Plane Owner).
- Wealth Enrichment Last Update Date: Filter constituents by those whose wealth enrichment data was last updated within a specified date range.
- Wealth Indicators: Filter constituents by those with indicators of wealth (e.g., Political Donor, Small Business Owner).
- Wealth Life Event Date: Filter constituents by those who experienced a major life event within a specified date range.
- Wealth Life Events: Filter constituents by those who experienced a major life event (e.g., Recent Mover, Recent Death in Family). Noteworthy events are displayed on a constituent profile’s Enrichment tab.
Career Enrichment (Career Moves) Filters
Career Enrichment (Career Moves) filters are powered by EverTrue enriched data. Learn more about one type of EverTrue enriched data, TrueView, in our dedicated help article! Three of these filters are only available if your organization uses Career Moves. They will be specified below.
- Career Move Type: Filter constituents by those with an enriched career event type matching the selected type (e.g., New Job). This filter is only available if your organization uses Career Moves.
- Career Moves Last File Date: Filter constituents by those who were included in a Career Moves file delivered within a specified date range. This filter is only available if your organization uses Career Moves.
- Career Moves Start Date: Filter constituents by those with an enriched employment start date within a specified period of time. This filter is only available if your organization uses Career Moves.
- Company Name: Filter constituents by those with an enriched career matching the selected company (e.g., Amazon).
- Industry: Filter constituents by those with an enriched career matching the selected industry (e.g., Aircraft).
- Job Title: Filter constituents by those with an enriched career matching the selected job title (e.g., Account Manager).
Constituents: Custom Fields Filters
Constituent: Custom Fields filters are powered by custom fields imported as part of your organization’s Constituent File. Custom fields that are set to Active in the Data Manager will be listed within this category and available as a filter.
Note: If you don’t see a custom field that you expect to see available as a filter, please reach out to
Interactions: Custom Fields Filters
Interactions: Custom Fields filters are powered by custom fields imported as part of your organization’s Interactions File. All of your imported custom fields are listed within this category and available as a filter. If you have an integration established between ThankView and EverTrue, you will also find your custom ThankView interaction fields in this category!
Note: If you don’t see a custom interaction field that you expect to see available as a filter, please reach out to
What are Operators?
Operators are found in the dropdown menu following your chosen filter. They can be used to refine your searches!
Note: Not every filter is paired with the same set of operators.
In some filter and operator pairings, results are based on whether constituents have data matching the selected filter category. In others, all constituents are considered regardless of whether they have data matching the selected filter category. For example:
- When the Degree filter is used with the Is Not Set operator, results will only include constituents with education data that do not have a degree.
- However, when the Capacity Score filter is used with the Is Not Set operator, results will include constituents with or without giving data who do not have a capacity score.
If the number of returned filter results is lower than expected, this might be due to the first scenario outlined above! We recommend experimenting with different filter and operator combinations to understand their impact on your search results.
Below, we will guide you through our filter operator options.
Defining Operators
Is Between: Use when you want to include results for a numeric or date range (e.g., Last Gift Date is between 1/1/24 and 4/1/24). Additional operators that follow this logic include Engaged (from > to), Has Engaged (from > to), and Was (from > to).
Is Not Between: Use when you want to exclude a specific range from your results (e.g., Last Gift Date is not between 1/1/24 and 4/1/24). Additional operators that follow this logic include Did Not Engage (from > to), Has Not Engaged (from > to), and Was Not (from > to).
- Equals: Use when you want your results to include a specific selection (e.g., Major equals ‘biology’). An additional operator that follows this logic includes Is.
- Does Not Equal: Use when you want your results to exclude a specific selection (e.g., Major does not equal ‘biology’). An additional operator that follows this logic includes Is Not.
- Is Set: Use this operator as a ‘yes’ to identify constituents that have data in the filter area (i.e., using the School Name filter with the Is Set operator will pull constituents that have school name data on file).
- Is Not Set: Use this operator as a ‘no’ to identify constituents who do not have data in the filter area (i.e., using the Capacity Score filter with the Is Not Set operator will pull in both constituents who have no giving data on file and constituents who have giving data on file, but have no data in the Capacity Score field).
- Is In The Last: Use when you want to include results that fall within a specific window of time (e.g., Last Gift Date is in the last week). Additional operators that follow this logic include Engaged (in past), Has Engaged (in past), and Was (in past).
- Is Not In The Last: Use when you want to exclude results that fall within a specific window of time (e.g., Last Gift Date is not in the last week). Additional operators that follow this logic include Did Not Engage (in past), Has Not Engaged (in past), and Was Not (in past).
- Is Before: Use when you want to include results that fall before a specific date (e.g., Last Gift Date is before 7/1/23).
- Is After: Use when you want to include results that fall after a specific date (e.g., Last Gift Date is after 7/1/23).
- Is On: Use when you want your results to include a specific date (e.g., Last Gift Date is on 7/1/23).
- Is Not On: Use when you want your results to exclude a specific date (e.g., Last Gift Date is not on 7/1/23).
For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 1548Views