Reviewing Filters Beta Use Cases

Note: Our product team is working to consolidate EverTrue's filtering experiences by merging the best functionalities of both Filters beta and classic Filters. Starting mid-February 2024, we will begin to limit Filters beta, Dynamic List, and Bookmarked Search usage and feature functionality in preparation for this work. 

Let's take a look at Filters beta in action by reviewing some must-use segmented searches! All searches will require Filters Beta to be toggled on, and will be performed from your Constituents tab.

Filtering by Custom ThankView Interactions

Filters beta offers a fantastic opportunity to filter on custom interaction fileds brought into EverTrue through a custom fields import.  You can use this functionality to drill into how campaign-specific results relate to constituent data such as giving patterns, wealth, and assignment status. Custom ThankView interaction filters help identify constituents who are engaged in some way, and thus more likely to give. You can learn more about this improvement in our All About: Filters Beta help article!

If you are a ThankView user wanting to use EverTrue filters to find constituents who watched more than 50% of content sent through ThankView and who have not made a previous gift, take the following steps:

  1. Click More Filters, select the Custom filter category, choose the filter reflecting type of interaction engagement level (in this example, our custom interaction filter is ThankView - Watched 50%.), and mark Yes.
  2. Click the small plus button at the top of the first filter block to layer on a second filter.
  3. Select the Giving filter category, choose the Is a Donor filter, and mark No.
  4. Click Apply to perform your search!

Filtering by Engagement

Use Filters beta to help you find prospects for end-of-year fundraising by identifying who is engaging on social media but hasn't given recently! To perform this search of constituents who have engaged on Facebook and are LYBUNTs, take the following steps:

Click More Filters, select the Engagement filter category, choose the Has Engaged? filter, and mark Yes.

  1. Click the small plus button at the bottom of the first filter block to layer on a second filter.
  2. Select the Giving filter category, choose the Giving Pattern filter, apply the equals operator, and select LYBUNT.
  3. Be sure to click Apply to perform your search!

If you are a gift officer wanting a great way to keep tabs on portfolios and interests of assigned constituents engaging with social media content, take the following steps to narrow down a pool of those engaging with your institution's Facebook posts within the last week:

  1. Select Assigned from your Assignment Status Quick Filter (you will also see this selection appear within your More Filters window).
  2. Click More Filters, select the Engagement filter category, choose the Last Engagement Date filter, apply the in the last operator, and input the relevant timeframe.
  3. Hit Apply to perform your search!

Filtering by Giving 

We recommend using filters to broaden your pipeline by understanding who has the capacity to give but are not yet assigned. To perform this type of search, you can look for unassigned constituents whose last gift was $1,000+ and have a household net worth of more than $1m. The following filters can be applied:

  1. Select Unassigned from your Assignment Status Quick Filter (you will also see this selection appear within your More Filters window).
  2. Click More Filters, select the Giving filter category, choose the Last Gift Amount filter, apply the Is greater than operator, and input 1,000.
  3. Click the small plus button at the top of the first filter block to layer on a second filter.
  4. Select the Capacity filter category, choose the Net Worth filter, apply the Is greater than operator, and input 1,000,000.
  5. Click Apply to perform your search!

Filtering by Demographics 

If you are a Donor Experience Officer or are in a different frontline role and want to follow-up with assigned constituents who have a recent job change (this filterable data is accessible to those using Career Moves), take the following steps:

  1. Select Assigned from your Assignment Status Quick Filter (you will also see this selection appear within your More Filters window).
    • If looking for only your particular assignments, you can apply the Assigned to Solicitor filter from the Activity filter group and select your name from the solicitor dropdown.
  2. Click More Filters, select the Demographics filter category, choose the Type filter, apply the equals operator, and select new job.
  3. Hit Apply to perform your search!

Filtering by Capacity

You can use Filters beta with Windfall wealth data (this filterable information is accessible to those using Windfall) to pinpoint more prospects by identifying and closing gaps in constituent capacity ratings. To perform this search of constituents with a recent wealth change who do not have a capacity rating, take the following steps:

  1. Click More Filters, select the Capacity filter category, choose the Net Worth Updated filter, and input the time frame for which you would like to capture wealth changes. 
  2. Click the small plus button at the top of the first filter block to layer on a second filter.
  3. Select the Capacity filter category once again, choose the Is Rated filter, and mark No.
  4. Be sure to click Apply to perform your search!

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at

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