Using Filters Beta Logic

When performing a segmented search, you will see your Quick Filters followed by two editable filter blocks with dropdowns corresponding to types of logic. These dropdowns can be found by turning on the Filters Beta toggle, navigating to your Constituents tab, and clicking More Filters. Add as many filters as you would like to one or both blocks, and use the logic dropdowns to further segment your search.

When Quick Filters are applied, they always use And logic with other filters.

Let's circle back to the example of unassigned alum who have made a gift some year but not this year and either received an undergraduate degree from the school of music or made a gift to the school of music in the past. In this search, the filtered results must include unassigned alum because the Constituency and Assignment Status filters were implemented.

When not implemented, you can see this result count change as results no longer need to include unassigned alum.

Some filters contain multi-select options that allow multiple criteria to be searched for simultaneously. If you select more than one option for this type of filter, your results only need to match one of the selected options.

For example, you can select both Personal and Work when using the Email Type filter. A constituent whose data only includes a personal email would still appear in the search results if both of these options were selected.

The first filter block contains two filtering logic options.

  • Matching All of: When choosing this logic, your corresponding search results will reflect constituents matching every filter applied. For example, if you apply three filters to your search and have a constituent who only matches two of the three, this constituent will not be included in your results.
  • Matching One or More of: When choosing this logic, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching at least one of the filters applied. For example, if you apply three filters to your search and have a constituent who matches two of the three, this constituent will be included in your results. 

The second filter block contains four filtering logic options that pair back to Matching All of or Matching One or More of from the first block. In the explanations below, almost every screenshot uses the same filters to show how each logic pairing impacts your result count.

  • Matching All of + Or All of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching every filter applied in at least one of the filter blocks.

  • Matching All of + Or One or More of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching every filter applied in your first filter block, OR constituents matching at least one of the filters applied in your second filter block.

  • Matching All of + And All of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching every filter applied to both filter blocks. Using both blocks with All of logic is helpful to further segment results when applying filters that have multi-select options.
    • For example, if you use Matching All of logic with the City address filter, and select two city options, your results will show constituents matching either city.

  • If you instead use Matching All of logic with the City address filter and only select one city option, and use And All of logic with the City address filter and only select your second city option, your results will show a reduced number of constituents as they must match both cities.

  • Matching All of + And One or More of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching every filter applied to your first filter block and at least one filter applied to your second filter block.

  • Matching One or More of + Or All of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching at least one filter applied to your first filter block, OR constituents matching every filter applied to your second filter block.

  • Matching One or More of + Or One or More of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching any combination of the filters applied to either filter block. 

  • Matching One or More of + And All of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching at least one filter applied to your first filter block and every filter applied to your second filter block.

  • Matching One or More of + And One or More of: When choosing this logic pairing, your corresponding results will reflect constituents matching at least one filter applied to your first filter block and at least one filter applied to your second filter block.

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