Navigating Your EverTrue Android App
The EverTrue Android app will be your go-to tool for getting closer to your prospecting goal while on the road. Below, we will explore how to use the tabs found in your app's navigation bar to locate…
Navigating Your EverTrue iOS App
The EverTrue iOS app will be your go-to tool for getting closer to your prospecting goal while on the road. We recently made some changes to the app's layout to better-reflect workflows used to…
Getting Started with Data Manager
The Data Manager Platform is our tool for importing and managing your organization’s data in EverTrue. This guide walks you through the file importing process and answers frequently asked questions…
Accepting Your EverTrue Invitation
Once you receive your email invitation to join your team on EverTrue, accepting the invite and getting started is a breeze! Please note these invitations are unique to your person and should not be…
All About: EverTrue Implementation
Getting Started with Implementation Once you partner with EverTrue and complete a Kick-Off Call with your Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Implementation Partner,…
Top Five Reasons to Use the App
With powerful mobile platforms available for all customers on iOS and Android, EverTrue helps you leave spreadsheets, file folders, briefcases, and padfolios behind.…
All About: Career Moves
What is Career Moves? Career Moves refers to our high quality, fresh and accurate job changes and career insights that are delivered quarterly by EverTrue to accounts using the feature.…
Getting Started with Windfall
Understanding Windfall and its Benefits Windfall is a wealth screening company that collects information about your most affluent individuals, identifying constituents with a household net worth of…