All About: Data File Guides

Are you just starting with EverTrue? Need to complete another import? Want to refresh your data? Check out our file guides below to help accomplish these needs! While reviewing, we recommend keeping our data overview article open for additional details into our data process, tips and tricks, and more.

In this article, we've mapped out each file guide type and purpose, the fields included within the corresponding file, and provided links to the guides themselves. Within each linked guide, you will find the following information:

  • A tab explaining how to use the respective guide.
  • A tab containing a sample .csv for the respective file.
  • One or more tabs providing detailed insights for each field included in the respective file (e.g. field descriptions, examples, suggested headers, etc.).

Use these resources to help with the process of importing your data into EverTrue! 

Constituent File Guide

Constituent records are the main source of data for EverTrue. Everything in the EverTrue platform branches off of this central structure, specifically the Constituent Record ID. Imported as a UTF-8 encoded .csv file, this data model establishes all of your constituents in EverTrue and powers our dynamic filters. If you are importing constituent records and your organization has not yet completed implementation, please contact our Implementation Team for support.

The Constituent File Guide is our only guide broken down by Field Groups corresponding to specific data types. These Field Groups match the template used during the Data Manager import mapping process. Use this comprehensive Constituent File if you'd like to import one complete data file for uploading data in the EverTrue platform. If the horizontal structure of this comprehensive file is challenging, you can import the data via multiple micro files based on data type (e.g. address, email, etc.).

  • Field Groups Included: General Info, Additional Properties, Address, Email, Education, Phone, Work, Relationships, Total Giving, Categorized Giving, Solicitors, Custom
  • File Guide

General Info Field Group

This field group contains the Unique Record ID field (also known as Constituent ID). It is the most important field to the EverTrue data model. This ID is the connector between your records and all other associated information, including both imported data and EverTrue enriched data.

  • Fields Included: Unique Record ID, Prefix, First Name, Nickname, Middle Name, Last Name, Previous Last Name, Suffix, Ethnicity, Gender, Year, IsDeceased?, IsDeleted?, Household ID
  • Field Group Guide

Additional Properties Field Group

The additional properties section is made up of five list properties that support multiple values for the field. When mapping data in the Data Manager, you can upload a single field delimited by semi-colons (:), or add separate columns for each value. 

  • Fields Included: Constituency, Solicitation Codes, Sports/Athletics, Activities
  • Field Group Guide

Address Field Group

Addresses are used in location-based searches, to place constituents on a map, and to match with US Census and other data sources. All addresses must include a city and state.

You may include as many addresses as you would like. If multiple addresses are included, their columns should be added by incrementing the Suggested Header to reflect the respective added address (e.g. Address2Line3, Address3Zip). 

  • Fields Included: Address Type, Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Is Primary?
  • Field Group Guide

Email Field Group

You may include as many email addresses as you would like. Because each email belongs to a unique set with corresponding data (e.g. Email Type), email fields are not list properties. Emails can only exist once in EverTrue as they are considered a unique identifier. If duplicate emails are found in the file, the duplicate emails will be dropped.

Education Field Group

You may include as many education sets as you would like. If multiple education sets are included, their columns should be added by incrementing the Suggested Header to reflect the respective added education set (e.g. Edu2Majors, Edu3Year). Because each school belongs to a unique set with corresponding data (e.g. Degree, Major), education data is not a list property.

Phone Field Group

You may include as many phone numbers as you would like. If multiple phone numbers are included, their columns should be added by incrementing the Suggested Header to reflect the respective added phone number (e.g. Phone2Type, Phone3Phone). Because each phone number belongs to a unique set with corresponding data (e.g. Phone Type), phone number fields are not  list properties.  

Work Field Group

We recommend including a constituent's most recent employment information, however you may wish to include more than one set of data. Please be sure to include Company Name with your employment set. If multiple employment sets are included, their columns should be added by incrementing the Suggested Header to reflect the respective added employment set (e.g. Work2Company, Work3Industry). 

Relationships Field Group

You may include as many family members per constituent as needed. We recommend including immediate family members and/or other relatives affiliated with your organization. If multiple relationships are included, their columns should be added by incrementing the Suggested Header to reflect the respective added relationship (e.g. Rel2Type, Rel3ID).

Currently, relationships are not filterable and are only available on a constituent profile. Relationships imported with an ID not found in EverTrue (or without any ID) will display the family member's name, but will not be linked to another record.

  • Fields Included: Relationship Type, Family Member Name, Family Member ID
  • Field Group Guide

Total Giving Field Group

Total Giving fields for EverTrue include both scores/ratings and summarized constituent giving histories. The total giving data is intended to be the constituent’s giving across all funds and departments. Please note that the score labels are “out-of-the-box," meaning they cannot be customized. If you have additional scores/ratings that do not fit into these fields, feel free to use a custom field. 

  • Fields Included: Donor Score, Capacity Score, Capacity Value, Engagement Score, Lifetime Giving Amount, Largest Gift Amount, Largest Gift Date, Largest Gift Label, Last Gift Amount, Last Gift Date, Last Gift Label, Pledge Balance, Recurring Payment, Fiscal Year Giving Totals.
  • Field Group Guide

Categorized Giving Field Group

We offer the ability to import additional giving categories of giving summaries. With this particular file format, we recommend including no more than 5 giving categories. If multiple giving categories are included, their columns should be added by incrementing the Suggested Header to reflect the respective added giving category (e.g. GivingCategory2Label, GivingCategory1LastDate).

Please note that the Category Label field is required for this file. Additionally, you may only include six fiscal year totals per giving category with this particular file format (current year and past five fiscal years only). 

  • Fields Included: Category Label, Lifetime Giving Amount, Largest Gift Amount, Largest Gift Date, Largest Gift Label, Last Gift Amount, Last Gift Date, Last Gift Label, Pledge Balance, Recurring Payment, Fiscal Year Giving Totals.
  • Field Group Guide

Solicitors Field Group

You may include as many solicitors as needed per constituent. If you are implementing the EverTrue Core Platform only, you should include this data. If you are implementing the Portfolio Assignments module, please use the Portfolio Assignments file and exclude these fields from your constituent file.

  • Fields Included: Solicitor Name, Solicitor ID, Stage, Solicitor Type
  • Field Group Guide

Custom Field Group

You may include as many custom fields as needed, however, please let your Implementation Partner know if you are interested in more than 10 custom fields. Custom fields can be any of the following types: string text, boolean, currency, date, number. Any string custom field has the option of being a list property. Please note we do not recommend custom fields of long strings of text. All custom fields are filterable.

  • Field Suggestions: Last Event Date, Last Event, Awards, Membership 
  • Field Group Guide

Interaction File Guide

Imported as a separate, additional .csv file, interaction data is a key piece of EverTrue for your relationship managers. With the power to quickly filter on interaction content, you are able to sift through historical contact reports to surface key information.

It is important to consider which interactions are most useful - think emails, visits, calls, etc. We do not recommend importing monthly mailings and other less meaningful interactions.

  • Fields Included: Interaction ID, EverTrue Interaction ID, Constituent ID, Additional Constituent ID, Proposal ID, Date, Type, Summary, Body, Is Substantive?, Author Name, Author ID, Solicitor Name, Solicitor ID, Custom Fields, Is Deleted?
  • File Guide

Gift Transactions File Guide

Imported as a separate, additional .csv file, gift transactions will enhance the giving data available in EverTrue. The purpose of this file is to display gifts made by constituents as well as the context for those gifts. You will have the ability to filter on this transactional data as well. This file is a compliment to the giving summaries and categorized giving in the Constituent File Guide.

We recommend including all gifts that a donor is recognized for when creating your file. This may include hard credit, soft credit, joint credit, etc. You may import as many gifts as you like. If you import your data using our Data Manager, you will also have the option of importing "orphaned" gifts, i.e. gifts made by individuals or entities who do not have records in EverTrue. Please note we will not be calculating any summaries using the gift transactions, as summary data comes from the constituent file.

  • Fields Included: Gift ID, Donor Constituent ID, Donor Name, Amount, Date, Legal Credit, Gift Type, Transaction Type, Pledge, Pledge Payment, Planned Gift, Matching Gift, CASE Code, Primary Unit, Appeal, Gift Channel, Designation, Designation Category, Campaign Credit, Related Gift ID, Is Deleted?
  • File Guide

Proposal File Guide

Imported as a separate, additional .csv file, proposal data is a key piece of EverTrue for relationship managers. With the power to quickly filter on proposal data, the file is a valuable addition to the core EverTrue data model.

  • Fields Included: Proposal ID, EverTrue Proposal ID, Constituent ID, Title, Description, Stage, Stage Start Date, Primary Proposal Unity, Additional Proposal Category, Solicitor Name, Solicitor User ID, Solicitor Key Proposal?, Solicitor Title, Active?, Created Date, Original Ask Amount, Original Ask Date, Ask Amount, Ask Date, Expected Amount, Expected Date, Funded Amount, Funded Date, Proposal Type, Confidence Score, Designation Name, Designation Value, Custom Fields, Is Deleted?, Proposal Reporting Flag
  • File Guide

Portfolio Assignment File Guide

Imported as a separate .csv file, the Portfolio Assignment file creates solicitor assignments in EverTrue. Solicitors and assignments should be listed as part of a team which could be based on role or fundraising level. Solicitors may or may not have viewing access to other team members' assignments, depending on the configuration of your EverTrue instance. Please note, all solicitors must be records in EverTrue prior to importing your file.

  • Fields Included: Team Name, Prospect ID, Solicitor ID, Solicitor Title, Stage, Stage Start Date, Assignment ID, Assignment Title, Key Prospect, Is Deleted?, Prospect Assignment Date, Primary Unit
  • File Guide

Volunteer Assignment File Guide

If your organization is implementing EverTrue for Volunteer Management, then you will be importing the Volunteer Assignment File! Imported as a separate, additional .csv file, all fields listed below are strongly suggested for Volunteer Management customers.

  • Fields Included: Pool Name, Prospect ID, Volunteer ID, Secondary Linked Prospect Contact ID, Volunteer Role, Suggested Ask Amount, Committed Amount, Assignment Stage, Assignment ID, Key Prospect?
  • File Guide

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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