Dynamic Lists vs Bookmarked Searches

Note: Our product team is working to consolidate EverTrue's filtering experiences by merging the best functionalities of both Filters beta and classic Filters. Starting mid-February 2024, we will begin to limit Filters beta, Dynamic List, and Bookmarked Search usage and feature functionality in preparation for this work. 

If you're wondering about the differences between Dynamic Lists and Bookmarked Searches,  you've come to the right place! Though these features both pull from different components of our Saved Search functionality and store regularly-changing sets of constituents, a few key differences set them apart.

The first component that differs between these features is the frequency of their updates.

  • Dynamic Lists: Your dynamic lists will update daily to reflect changes to the results of each list's filtered search.
  • Bookmarked Searches: Your bookmarked searches will always showcase a set of live results when opened, capturing a list of constituents meeting your search criteria at the moment in time you click into the bookmarked search. 

The second component differentiating the two is the element of receiving alerts when your saved sets of constituents change. 

  • Dynamic Lists: You have the ability to set up timed email alerts notifying you of changes to your dynamic list results.
  • Bookmarked Searches: Currently, you are unable to establish alerts for updates to your bookmarked searches. Our Dynamic Lists feature is what you'll want to use for setting notifications!

The third difference between these new features is the level of insight provided regarding changes to these constituent sets.

  • Dynamic Lists: Not only do you have the ability to set alerts for your dynamic lists, but these alerts offer detailed insights regarding the number of, name of, and timeframe in which constituents were added to your list. Additionally, your Dynamic Lists tab outlines a time stamp and added/removed count for each list's last update. 
  • Bookmarked Searches: Currently, your bookmarked searches do not offer detailed insights regarding changes to any of your searches. Our Dynamic Lists feature is what you'll want to use for additional change information! 

Lastly, the ability to share your searches with colleagues is an element that differs between the two.

  • Dynamic Lists: Currently, you are able to share your dynamic lists only with individual colleagues. They can be granted either viewer or editor access to your lists.
  • Bookmarked Searches: You are also able to share your bookmarked searches individually, and will find the additional option of sharing org-wide using a share link. Take a look at our dedicated help article to learn more about how to broadly share your bookmarked searches using this method!

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at genius@evertrue.com

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