Sharing a Bookmarked Search

Note: Our product team is working to consolidate EverTrue's filtering experiences by merging the best functionalities of both Filters beta and classic Filters. Starting mid-February 2024, we will begin to limit Filters beta, Dynamic List, and Bookmarked Search usage and feature functionality in preparation for this work. 

Our Bookmarked Searches feature offers you multiple means of sharing filtered searches with with your colleagues. With Bookmarked Searches, you can:

  • Share your search using a shareable link accessible to anyone in your organization.
  • Share viewer access to your search with individual teammates.
  • Share editor access to your search with individual teammates.

Below, we will explore how you can share a bookmarked search using each of these options! Be sure to have your Filters Early Adopter toggled on to access these actions. 

Sharing a Bookmarked Search with Your Organization

To share a link to one of your bookmarked searches, head to your Constituents tab and select a search from the Bookmarked Searches dropdown.

Once open, click the Actions button in the top-right corner of your page and select Share Bookmark

A popup will appear in which you will find a shareable link to the search. Click Copy to grab the link, and share with colleagues as needed! Click Done after copying the link and navigate back to your bookmarked search's detailed view.

Please keep the following insights in mind when using shareable links to share a bookmarked search:

  • You will notice a toggle beneath the Shareable Link header that if turned on, allows anyone at your organization to view the search if they have the link.
  • If the Shareable Link toggle is turned off but a link to the search is shared, a message of "You are not authorized to view this search" will appear on the screen of the user attempting to access the search. In the case that you don't want a shareable link accessible to your entire organization, you can share the bookmarked search on an individual level vs org-wide (we will cover individual sharing options next!).
  • You can access shareable links to bookmarked searches created by you and to bookmarked searches individually shared with you by other creators if the original owner of the search has the Shareable Link toggle turned on.
  • Searches shared with you by means of a shareable link will not appear in your dropdown of bookmarked searches on your Constituents tab.
  • If the owner of a shared bookmarked search deletes their search, you will see a message of "You are not authorized to view this search" when attempting to open the shareable link. 
  • Shareable links for bookmarked searches will always reflect modifications made to the search by its owner, ensuring link accuracy!

Sharing a Bookmarked Search Individually

With Bookmarked Searches, you will find two additional options to share searches owned by you with individual colleagues:

  1. Viewer access
  2. Editor access

These options allows for improved search collaboration amongst your team! You can easily determine which searches you own by opening a search from the Constituents tab's Bookmarked Search dropdown and looking above the search's name. If a search was individually shared with you by a colleague, you will see their name listed in this section.

To grant a teammate viewer access to one of your bookmarked searches, open a search owned by you from the Bookmarked Searches dropdown of your Constituents tab. Click the Actions button in the top-right corner of the search's detailed view and select Share Bookmark

A popup will appear in which you can use the dropdown found beneath Visibility & Access to search for and select the colleagues you would like to add as viewers to your bookmarked search. Once you select the appropriate individuals, use the second dropdown that appears beside their name to grant Viewer access. Be sure to click Done when finished to share the bookmarked search! If you added the wrong colleague, use the trashcan icon to remove their access. 

If given viewer access to a bookmarked search, you can do the following:

  • Export the records of the bookmarked search.
  • Share the bookmarked search using a sharable link. Please note this option will not be available if the search owner turned off the Shareable Link toggle. 
  • Use the filters bar to temporarily modify the search filters.

To grant a teammate editor access to one of your bookmarked searches, open a search owned by you from the Bookmarked Searches dropdown of your Constituents tab. Click the Actions button in the top-right corner of the search's detailed view and select Share Bookmark

A popup will appear in which you can use the dropdown found beneath Visibility & Access to search for and select the colleagues you would like to add as editors to your bookmarked search. Once you select the appropriate individuals, use the second dropdown that appears beside their name to grant Editor access. Be sure to click Done when finished to share the bookmarked search! If you added the wrong colleague, use the trashcan icon to remove their access. 

If given editor access to a bookmarked search, you can do the following:

  • Export the records of the bookmarked search.
  • Share the bookmarked search using a sharable link. Please note this option will not be available if the search owner turned off the Shareable Link toggle. 
  • Use the filters bar to temporarily modify the search filters.
  • Edit the name of the bookmarked search using the pencil icon next to the search title.

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at

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