All About: Bookmarked Searches

Note: Our product team is working to consolidate EverTrue's filtering experiences by merging the best functionalities of both Filters beta and classic Filters. Starting mid-February 2024, we will begin to limit Filters beta, Dynamic List, and Bookmarked Search usage and feature functionality in preparation for this work. 

What are Bookmarked Searches?

EverTrue's Bookmarked Searches allow you to save filtered queries to a centralized location on your Constituents tab, ensuring you can quickly run the same search at a later time with always-live results. If you find yourself running the same filter set again and again, go ahead and bookmark the search to save time!

This feature, along with the introduction of Dynamic Lists, replaces what you might know as our Saved Search functionality. The distinguishing difference between Bookmarked Searches and Dynamic Lists is the live element of a bookmarked search. Though dynamic lists update daily, they capture a moment in time (either the results of their daily refresh, or updated results reflecting modifications made to a dynamic list) and offer insight into the changes of your list. When opening a bookmarked search, the results shown will be as up-to-date as possible but will not notify you of changes to your search results.

Let's dive into the new features you will see with Bookmarked Searches, and explore how to bookmark a search for future use!

What's New with Bookmarked Searches?

Finding Your Bookmarked Searches

You will notice changes to the location of your saved searches with our Bookmarked Search feature. Rather than being found in their own tab on your left-hand navigation bar, a bookmarked search can be located within the Constituents page of your Constituents tab.

To view a collective list of searches you've bookmarked, turn on the Filters Early Adopter toggle, navigate to your Constituents tab, and click the Bookmarked Searches dropdown found at the top of the page. 

To view the detailed results of Bookmarked Searches, simply click any of the search names from this dropdown. 

Sharing Your Bookmarked Searches

Similarly to Saved Searches, our Bookmarked Searches feature allows you to share your searches with colleagues who are also EverTrue users. However, you will find two key improvement with sharing Bookmarked Searches:

  1. The sharable link associated with a bookmarked search will not change when the search's filters are modified. 
  2. The added ability to share collaborative access to your bookmarked searches by including colleagues as viewers or editors. 

You can find a bookmarked search's sharing options by opening a search you would like to share from the Bookmarked Search dropdown of your Constituents tab, clicking Actions in the top right-hand corner and selecting Share Bookmark. A popup will appear in which the search's shareable link can copied and expanded individual access options can be found.

In the example above, the shareable link will stay the same no matter the adjustments applied to the bookmarked search. This change ensures that any shareable links provided to your colleagues remain relevant and accurate vs the current need to produce a new link when adjustments are applied to a saved search.

For a more detailed look at sharing bookmarked searches with your colleagues, check out our help article covering this process!

Using Bookmarked Searches

Let's take a look at Bookmarked Searches in action by reviewing how to delete your bookmarked searches! Be sure to turn on your Filters Early Adopter toggle to access this actions. 

If you need to delete one of your bookmarked searches, open your Constituents tab and select the bookmarked search you would like to remove from the Bookmarked Search dropdown. Click your Actions button in the top-right corner and choose Delete Bookmark.

A popup will appear in which you can confirm that you would like to delete the search by clicking Delete.

Please note you will only be able to delete bookmarked searches for which you are the owner. If a search is shared with you, this function will not be available. 

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at

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