Configuring Your Interaction Form

Establishing Internal Expectations

There is a lot to consider when setting up and configuring your interaction form in EverTrue. Use the guide below to help you through the process and make sure everyone in your office is on board. While the form can be edited and re-configured at any time, it is recommended to start off with a well-established and set form for your team. 

We suggest having an all-hands internal meeting to establish your interaction form and set guidelines that will be used by your entire institution. Here are a few questions to help get that conversation started.

  • How do you expect your users to interact with the form? When? How often? 
  • Will EverTrue's interaction form be the primary entry method of interactions? 
  • Will your team still be able to enter interactions in your database? 
  • Are you looking to simplify or improve your current process? If so, how?
  • What fields do you require from your team when writing an interaction? 
  • What teams at your institution will be using this form? Does every team use the same process? Will you need to combine requirements from those teams into a singular institution-wide form? 
  • Do the interactions need to flow back and forth between EverTrue and your database? How often? 

The answers to these questions will inform the choices you make for your interaction form. 

Breaking Down the Interaction Form

Without any configuration, out-of-the-box, EverTrue's interaction form includes the following fields: 

  • Interaction Type - required
  • Date - required
  • Solicitors
  • Summary
  • Description - required

From this base, we can build you a customized form configured with custom fields, a Substantive toggle, an Additional Constituents search, interaction types specific to your organization, and more! Continue reading to learn more about these options. 

Custom Fields

The primary way to add additional fields to your form is through custom fields. Custom fields will be configured for your institution by your Implementation Partner or the EverTrue Support Team. Custom interaction fields that are set to Active in the Data Manager will be included in your EverTrue interaction form. 

If you would like to add a field to your interaction form that was not imported, send us the name of the field, the type of data (see below), if it is required or not, and the values you'd like to include (if relevant). 

Custom fields can be any of the following types: 

  • Date
  • Number
  • Currency
  • Boolean
  • String - Freeform
  • String - Pick list.

All custom fields will display below our standard fields. However, we can reconfigure the order of custom fields within their own section. If you have a preferred order, let us know. 


The Substantive toggle allows you to flag the interaction as 'important'. If enabled, you will find this toggle near the top of your Interaction form.

Additional Constituents

The Additional Constituents search allows you to attach secondary constituents to your interactions. If enabled, you will find this search near the top of your interaction form.

For organizations importing either Household IDs or constituent relationship type data mapped as "spousal" in our platform, a checkbox linked to the given constituent's additional household member will appear beneath the Additional Constituents search. Check this box to create a joint interaction for two constituents from the same household. After saving the interaction, it will appear within both constituent records and will be paired back to the same Interaction ID (i.e., both spousal records will include the details of the interaction, but the number of interactions remains one.).


As mentioned earlier, an out-of-the-box EverTrue interaction form will include the following required fields:

  • Interaction Type
  • Date
  • Description

If you would like to mark more fields as required by your team, let our EverTrue Support Team at know! We will be able to configure required fields as needed. If you determine a field to be required, you will see a REQUIRED label appear next to the field within the form.

Character Limits

Specific fields in your in-app interaction form have default character limits. When configuring your interaction form, you can request lower character limits for these fields. Currently, the following fields are included:

  • Interaction Summary - default of 65,534 character limit.
  • Interaction Description - default of 4,294,967,294 character limit.

Setting character limits that differ from the above defaults can be helpful for creating consistency between your EverTrue data and the data found in your chosen CRM. If you would like to adjust the default character limits for these fields, let our EverTrue Support Team at know!

Maximum Values

Set a maximum value for the number of entries that can be input for the following fields: 

  • Additional Constituents
  • Solicitors

Setting maximum values for these fields is helpful in setting guidelines for your team. It is also reflected in the interaction CSV export by keeping the number of columns for that data static, which is important for scripting your data back into your database. 

Interaction Type

EverTrue automatically populates all imported interaction types into your interaction form's Interaction Type dropdown. However, this list of types can be edited to update, remove, or add any values you need. Send the list of interaction types you'd like to include in your form to your Implementation Partner or EverTrue Support. 

For example, if you have a historic type (e.g. 'Presidential Meeting') that you no longer want your team to use, we can archive that type so it is no longer available when entering an interaction, but the imported data is still in place and available for filtering in EverTrue.

Please note that " EverTrue Comment" is a default interaction type in your form that cannot be removed. EverTrue Comments are a way for users to message each other or tag constituents for reference. EverTrue Comments are not exported in the Interactions CSV file.

For any other questions reach out to the EverTrue Support at

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