Setting up Portfolios

If your institution is moving over to the new data model for Portfolios (from My Portfolio to Portfolios) or adding Portfolios into EverTrue for the first time, there are a few steps you will need to take to make this transition successful. 

Establishing Internal Expectations 

We suggest having an all-hands internal meeting to establish your Portfolios workflow and set guidelines that will be used by your entire institution before you proceed. Here are a few items to help get that conversation started.

  • How do you expect your gift officers to manage their own portfolios? Below are the features we will turn on by default for you during the implementation process.
    • Portfolio Stage Changes: Allows gift officers to make their own stage changes in Portfolios (which is what we refer to as Moves Management).
    • Portfolio Viewing: Allows gift officers to view portfolios from other members on their team.
    • Add/Drop Assignments: Allows gift officers to add/drop their own assignments.
    • Gift Notifications from Prospects: Enables gift notifications, which will alert any gift officer when a gift has been received in their portfolio. We can edit the notification threshold to be whichever amount you choose, but we will default it to anything over $1.

Please note the above settings will only apply to EverTrue users. If you have been designated as your organization's EverTrue owner, you will see all of the above features in your EverTrue instance whether they have been turned on or not. 

The answers to these questions will inform the choices you make for your team's portfolio. If you want any of the above turned off, let your Implementation Partner know if you are still in implementation, or reach out to our EverTrue Support Team at if not.

Implementing Portfolios

To start the Portfolios implementation process, take the following steps:

  • Remove the solicitors info from your Constituent file. This is because we are moving this information onto the Portfolio Assignment file. If you are implementing Portfolio Assignment for the first time, skip to the next step.
    • The solicitor information you will need to remove includes the Solicitor Name, Solicitor ID, Solicitor Stage, and Solicitor Type fields.
  • Start drafting a new Portfolio Assignments data file as an additional CSV file to be delivered. This new model flattens the solicitor data by assignment and allows for a more round-trip process of data moving forward. 
  • When the file is done, we suggest emailing your Implementation Partner to review the file before you import for the first time. If you are not in implementation, you should email who can give you further directions based on how your institution is currently importing data (manually or SFTP) and un-gate all necessary features for you before you start importing.
  • Make sure that you are importing all of your staff members that will be managing assignments in your constituent file so you can match their records to IDs in EverTrue
  • Ask your Implementation Partner (or email if you are not in an implementation project) to set up the team names and stages you would like to use. Please note you can use different stage sets for each team.
    • If you would like to make changes to your stages after initially establishing them, please reach our to your Implementation Partner or our EverTrue Support Team!
  • If you are looking to export your new Portfolio Assignments file back into your database once you have started importing, you can either do so manually or create a custom export schedule. To access these options, open your User Menu, select Settings, head to the Export Data tab, and scroll down to Scheduled Exports. The file you are looking for is titled Relationship Management Assignments.
    • Clicking gear icon will allow you to establish a scheduled export, whereas clicking the paper and arrow icon will allow you to manually export the data. Check out our  Relationship Management export article for more details on exporting this file. 

Please note Portfolios must be enabled by the administrator of your EverTrue account. Contact your account admin if you have any questions about this feature.

Reconciling your Portfolio Assignment Deletions

Currently, the only way to delete or 'drop' assignments via an import is to run a full file, so we recommend considering the following options moving forward.

  • Run a full Portfolio Assignments file daily instead of a standard/delta import. This is important because any deletions/drops made by users in your database will not be updated in EverTrue unless you run the full import.
  • Delete assignments one-by-one manually in EverTrue. This is an option if you'd like to move all prospect management into EverTrue directly, while syncing back to your database. Some schools prefer to maintain their internal database processes, so this may not be a good option if this rings true for you.

Once you've made the switch to the new Portfolios, check out this article to learn about all of its features!

For any other questions reach out to the EverTrue Support at

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