Unmatching Facebook

If you feel like an incorrect match as been made between a constituent and a Facebook engager, you can modify any Facebook page match directly from their profile. Follow the steps below to unmatch a Facebook page. 

Facebook matches are done on a per page basis, which means you will similarly unmatch a constituent from Facebook on a per page basis. Because of this, we recommend you treat each Facebook page match as it's own unique connection and evaluate every match independently of any others that have been made to a different page. 

Unmatch Facebook Pages

1. Navigate to the Constituents profile and click "Manage Facebook Page Match" in the Social section of the Summary tab. (If additional pages are available to match, this button will turn into a dropdown menu with additional items. See below.)

2. Click "Unmatch" next to the page you wish to unmatch from the constituent.

3. Hit "Unmatch" again below to finalize the removal of that match. 

Rematch or Add Additional Pages

From this portal you can also rematch a page or make additional Facebook page matches if suggestions are available. 

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at genius@evertrue.com.

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