Using "Is Deleted" and "Is Deceased" Fields

When building your constituent file, you may choose to include the Is Deleted or Is Deceased fields. Let's take a look at what these fields indicate and why they are important! 

Understanding "Is Deleted"

Is Deleted is a field you can add to your file to explicitly remove constituents from EverTrue.  The primary reason we see this column used is to remove deceased constituents. While some institutions bring over deceased individuals, others prefer to remove them. Both options work for EverTrue and it is entirely up to you and your institution to determine your preference.

Another reason the Is Deleted column may be relevant to your institution is if you are implementing a database clean-up and want to delete unwanted records from EverTrue. Please note the Is Deleted field works with both a standard and full import.

Understanding "Is Deceased"

Is Deceased is another field you can add to your file to help indicate your constituents who have passed, should you choose to include those constituents in EverTrue. Deceased constituents will be marked in red font with DECEASED next to their names. The following image showcases how this field appears in search results on the EverTrue platform. 

When the deceased constituent record is opened, the constituent name appears in red font and the label Deceased is found to the right of the name. 

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