All About: TrueView Insights

What are TrueView Insights?

Welcome to EverTrue's TrueView Insights! TrueView is EverTrue's solution to providing you with the ultimate constituent profile. These insights ensure your profiles are dynamic by connecting them to sources of engagement, biographic, and wealth data. Think of previously-siloed U.S. Census and LinkedIn sourced information that is now made quickly accessible within EverTrue constituent profiles.

EverTrue helps you build stronger, meaningful donor relationships with TrueView Insights by providing more robust data to better understand your constituent base. These insights will be game-changers when competing for dollars and fundraising for specific initiatives. 

Using True View Insights

Where possible, EverTrue connects your constituent data to its digital footprint. TrueView Insights are not only visible within your constituent profiles, but are also filterable – data segmentation just got a whole lot better! 

Locating TrueView Insights within a Constituent Profile

You can locate TrueView Insights within two tabs of a constituent profile. 

  • Enriched data, including demographic, career, and capacity information, lives on the Enrichment tab. Please note wealth enrichment data is only available to customers who have purchased Windfall

  • Insights and metrics related to how a constituent interacts with your institution via Facebook lives on the Engagement tab.

If you find insights that are incorrect, take a look at our help article covering how to remove incorrect enriched data.

Filtering on TrueView Insights

To filter on your TrueView Insights, head to your Constituents tab from the left-hand navigation bar and open the Filters dropdown. Use the search bar to narrow down the category or specific name of the enrichment or engagement filter you would like to drill into (e.g. Constituent City, Constituent Metro Area, etc.). Once you've made your selection, you can layer on additional filters you'd like to use, or simply click Apply Filters to perform your search!

Frequently Asked Questions on TrueView

How frequently does EverTrue update TrueView Insights?

We complete monthly data updates to ensure your insights are regularly refreshed and kept up-to-date.

What is the difference  between LinkedIn-sourced TrueView Insights data and Career Moves data?

LinkedIn-sourced TrueView career insights are accessible to all EverTrue accounts, whereas Career Moves data is only available to accounts that have enabled this add-on. These accounts receive alumni career insights that go through a separate matching processes, resulting in a confidence score paired back to each match. Additionally, organizations using Career Moves receive quarterly export files of their match data, and have access to additional career filtering options. 

Accessing TrueView Training Resources

As you explore TrueView Insights, we recommend checking out some of our training resources on this topic.

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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