Removing Incorrect Enriched Data

Within the TrueView feature in EverTrue, you now have the ability to reject profile images, social links, and employment data that is being inaccurately displayed via the EverTrue contact profile. All rejections are global, which means that the data has been removed from the record for all users of your EverTrue account.

Rejecting Incorrect Profile Images

You'll be able to reject an incorrect profile image from any tab of the constituent record in need of editing. If the record's profile picture is incorrect, click on the gray x to the right of the circular profile image to start the process. This will prompt a Remove Profile Image pop-up box to appear.

Within the pop-up, you will click either Remove Image if just the profile picture is inaccurate, or Remove Both if both the profile picture and social profile links are incorrect. Click the latter if your institution knows that the provided social URL accompanying the picture is different from the one on record within your database.


Please note profile pictures come from the social link associated with the record. After rejecting an image, you may see another image (or the same image) appear again. This is because we have replaced the first image with a new one from a different social link. For example, after rejecting the image that came from a connected Twitter account, we may replace this with an image from Facebook if there is an associated Facebook link. You may continue to reject the image if it is not the correct person. We display images in the following order: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. 

You'll be able to reject an incorrect social link by navigating to the Social Media section of a constituent's Enrichment tab. If any of the social URLs within this section are different from the ones on record within your institution, click the pencil icon to start the removal process. This will prompt an Edit Social Media pop-up box to appear. Within this box, click the red X next to the social URL you wish to remove from the profile.


Rejecting Employment

Similar to the social link removal process outlined above, you will repeat the same steps for removing incorrect employment information within the Professional section of a constituent's Enrichment tab. To reject employment information, click the red X next to the incorrect employment listing.

Reinstating Data

A social link or employment data that has been rejected can be reinstated by clicking the pencil icon in the Professional or Social Media section of a constituent's Enrichment tab and clicking the See deleted button.

Click the Undo button next to each social link or employment entry you'd like to add back to the profile. If you reinstate a social account, the associated image will be reinstated as well when applicable. 

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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