Using Collaborative Tasks on Your Android App

Note: Collaborative Tasks is a feature of Signal by EverTrue. If you have questions about Signal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

What is Signal Collaborative Tasks?

Signal Collaborative Tasks on Android offers the ability to create and track your tasks while on the go. Think of it as your digitized prospecting and segmenting to-do list! This feature provides a dedicated space for managing post-meeting work, making it easier than ever to build and maintain relationships with prospective donors. 

With Collaborative Tasks, you can link tasks to constituents and assign tasks to others on your team. If your team is already taking advantage of EverTrue’s AI features, you can also add recommended to-dos with AI-Suggested Tasks!

Below, we will explore how to use Collaborative Tasks on your Android app. Let’s get started! 

Adding New Tasks

Step 1. Navigate to Your Home Tab

To create a new task, navigate to your Android app’s Home tab and scroll down to the Tasks Assigned to You section. 

Step 2. Click See All

If you don’t yet have any assigned tasks, you’ll find an + Add Task button in the middle of this section. Though this button can be used to add new tasks, we will focus on how to add tasks when you already have at least one assigned to you. Click See All in the upper-right corner of this section to access the primary location where you can add tasks. 

Step 3. Click the + Button

You will be taken to your Tasks tab, where you will find comprehensive lists of both your tasks and tasks assigned by you (we’ll cover these sections in more depth later in this article!). Click the navy + button in the lower-right corner to create a new task.

Step 4. Input and Save Task Details

A Create New Task popup will appear where you can input the following information:

  • Constituent: Use this field if you'd like to link the task to an individual constituent. Search constituents by name to find and link them.
  • Task Name (REQUIRED): Use this field to add a name to your task. Titles are limited to 120 characters.
  • Description: Use this field to add details associated with the task. Descriptions are limited to 250 characters.
  • Action Type (REQUIRED): Use this dropdown to specify the type of action you are associating with the task. Other, Research, Call, ThankView, LinkedIn, Print Mail (e.g., Pledgemine, other), Text, and Email are available options. 
  • Assignee (REQUIRED): Use this field to specify who is responsible for completing the task. Please note, your name will auto-populate as the task's assignee unless you select another team member from the dropdown.
  • Due Date: Use this dropdown to select a due date for the task. Please note, the current date will auto-populate as the task’s due date unless you remove it or select another date.

Click Save to finish adding the task! 

Reviewing Added Tasks

After you’ve either created tasks for yourself or been assigned tasks, you can review them within your Home or Tasks tab. Below, we’ll take a detailed look at how tasks will appear in these locations.

Note: If you’ve added a constituent to a cadence, their cadence steps will also appear where you can review tasks. 

Note: If you’ve paused tasks on the EverTrue web app, your Home tab’s Tasks Assigned To You section and your Tasks tab will appear empty until the pause is lifted. 

Step 1. Navigate to Your Home Tab

Head to your Home tab’s Tasks Assigned to You section to view up to three of your upcoming assigned tasks. Each task includes its due date (if added to the task), name, and respective constituent (if added to the task). 

Note: Tasks Assigned to You displays tasks without due dates first, followed by tasks with the earliest upcoming due dates. Don’t be surprised to see an overdue task populate here! These tasks are considered to have the earliest due dates. 

To see all of your tasks, click See All in the upper-right corner of this section. You will be redirected to your Tasks tab upon clicking this button!

Step 2. Navigate to Your Tasks Tab

You can also access your Tasks tab directly from your Android’s navigation bar! Click the menu button found in the upper-left corner of your app and select Tasks

Step 3. View Your Tasks

You will be taken to the Your Tasks tab, where you can view all tasks assigned to you. Each task includes its due date (if added to the task), name, and respective constituent (if added to the task). To see a task’s description, click its name for a detailed view. 

Tasks in this tab are organized by those without due dates first, followed by those with the earliest upcoming due dates. If a task is overdue, this status will be noted next to its due date. 

Step 4. View Tasks Assigned By You

To view tasks you’ve assigned to other team members, head to the Assigned By You tab. Each task includes its due date (if added to the task), name, and respective constituent (if added to the task). To see a task’s description and the teammates it is assigned to, click its name for a detailed view. 

Tasks in this tab are organized by those without due dates first, followed by those with the earliest upcoming due dates. If a task is overdue, this status will be noted next to its due date. 

Step 5. Filter on Tasks 

Near the top of each tab, you’ll find Incomplete, Overdue, and Completed buttons that can be used to filter tasks by completion status. Click one of these to narrow the tasks in your view. 

Step 6. Mark a Task Complete

When you’re ready to mark a task as complete, simply click the circle that appears to the left of its name! If your tab is filtered to Completed, you will see this newly-finished task paired back to a green checkmark. Accidentally mark a task complete that wasn’t quite done? Click the checkmark to reverse the task’s status! 

Step 7. Edit or Delete a Task

You can edit an existing task by clicking on its name. An Edit Task popup will appear in which you can adjust any task details, including its due date. After making your changes, click Save to finalize the edits.

Note: If the task name you click is a cadence step, you will only be able to adjust its due date. To learn about additional actions you can take on your cadence steps, take a look at our article, Managing Your Cadences

If you need to delete a task, swipe it to the left and click the trashcan button that appears. This action will permanently remove the task.

Note: You can delete tasks that are assigned to you (either by yourself, or by a teammate) and tasks that are assigned by you. 

Using AI-Suggested Tasks

Signal’s AI-Suggested Tasks feature leverages AI to recommend follow-up tasks based on recent interactions tied to your assigned constituents. The interactions informing this feature include any created for assignments (either by you or by a teammate) in the last year. You can choose to add these suggestions to your Tasks tab as you see fit!

Below, we’ll explore how to use AI-Suggested Tasks!

Note: AI-Suggested Tasks will only be accessible if you have already opted into using EverTrue’s AI features. If your organization is interested in activating this feature for your team, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Step 1. Navigate to Your Home Tab

Head to your Home tab’s Suggested Tasks section to view up to three tasks we recommend you take as part of your cultivation efforts.

Step 2. Click a Task’s Dropdown Arrow

A dropdown arrow can be found to the right of each suggestion. Click on an arrow to reveal additional task details.

Step 3. Edit an AI-Suggested Task

You’ll find two edit options in Suggested Tasks that allow you to make changes to tasks before adding them to your Tasks tab: 

  1. Calendar: Swipe a task to the right to reveal a calendar button that can be used to select a due date for the suggestion.
  2. Pencil: Swipe a task to the left to reveal a pencil button that can be used to edit any task detail, such as adding a due date or changing the action type. 

In the example below, you can see the Create New Task popup that appears after clicking on the pencil edit option. Once you’ve made any necessary changes, hit Save to add the revised suggestion to your Tasks tab!

Step 4. Add an AI-Suggested Task

To quickly add a suggestion to your Tasks tab, click the + button found to the left of its name.

If you add all three tasks, you can return the following day to find three more suggestions populated. In the meantime, continue adding interactions for your assigned constituents to inform new daily suggestions! 

For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at

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