Navigating Your EverTrue Android App

The EverTrue Android app will be your go-to tool for getting closer to your prospecting goal while on the road. Below, we will explore how to use the tabs found in your app's navigation bar to locate your constituent data! To access the navigation bar, simply click the menu button found at the top-left of your app.

Understanding Your App's User Profile 

Your app's user profile consists of various components of your EverTrue profile! Here you will find: 

  • User Details - View a summary of your EverTrue profile components (e.g., email address). 
  • Organization Details - View a summary of your organization's unique identifiers (e.g., slug/OID)
  • Log Out Button - Use to log out of your EverTrue App.

Understanding Your App's Trips & Meetings Tab

The Trips & Meetings tab of your EverTrue Android app consists of tools to make planning and coordinating your prospect relationships efficient and easy. It includes the following sections: 

  • Solicitor Dropdown - Use to view trip and meeting activity for your colleagues. This dropdown defaults to showing your specific activity.
  • "+" Button - Quickly create trips or meetings (local, virtual, or phone) directly in your Android app.
  • Search Bar - Type a trip or meeting name to quickly find a specific event without needing to scroll through the catalog of scheduled trips and meetings. 
  • Trips & Meetings Catalog - Review upcoming, past, and present trips and meetings within this section. Click into an individual trip name to view a log of trip events, add trip meetings and time blocks, edit the trip's details, or delete a trip. You can also access a map view of planned trip events. Click into an individual meeting name to view or edit the specific event's details.

Understanding Your App's Browse Constituents Tab

EverTrue's Android app defaults to your Browse Constituents tab view when opened. This tab provides easy access to constituent profiles and includes the following sections:

  • Search Bar - Type a constituent name to quickly find a constituent profile from the map's current coverage without needing to use filters to narrow down your data.
  • Pushpin Icon - Use filters to narrow down a selection of constituents meeting specific attributes. 
  • Map View - View your constituents on a map to quickly see others in a surrounding area. Zooming in and out on the map will adjust your constituent count to match the map's current coverage. 
  • Compass Icon - Use to quickly adjust the map's display to reflect your current location and find nearby constituents. 
  • Details Button - Access a list view of constituents matching the map's current coverage and any applied filter attributes. Clicking a constituent's name takes you to their corresponding constituent profile.

Understanding Your App's Saved Searches Tab

The Saved Searches tab of your mobile app lists all of the segmented searches that you created and saved. Here's what you'll find: 

  • Search Bar - Type a saved search name to quickly narrow down your search catalog, eliminating the need to scroll to find a specific search. 
  • All Saved Searches - Access a catalog your stored searches so you can see an up-do-date list of prospects meeting the search parameters. 

Understanding Your App's Lists Tab

Your app's Lists tab includes a comprehensive log of your lists and lists shared with you that were created on the EverTrue desktop app. Within this tab, you will find:

  • Search Bar - Type a list name to quickly narrow down your list catalog, eliminating the need to scroll to find a specific list.
  • My Lists - View your static lists of constituents fitting a set of curated filter parameters. Click into an individual list name to see its included constituents, list activity, and collaborators. You can also add collaborators or comments to the list from this view. 
  • Shared Lists - View any static lists on which you've been added as a collaborator. Click into an individual list name to see its included constituents, list activity, and collaborators. You can also add collaborators or comments to the list from this view. 

Understanding Your App's Recently Viewed Tab

The Android app's Recently Viewed tab includes a clickable catalog of your recently searched constituents, providing convenient access to these individuals without the need to repeat the search process to return a specific profile. When applicable, certain details such as class year or giving history will appear in a constituent's preview.

Understanding Your App's Notifications Tab

Your Android App's Notifications tab displays in-app notifications, such as indication that a colleague shared a search with you, or updates to Saved Search results!

Understanding Your App's Help Tab

Clicking the Help tab of your EverTrue Android app prompts you to connect with the the EverTrue Support team via email at If questions arise while navigating the app, use this tab to reach out to support!  

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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