All About: Launchpad Widgets

Launchpad is your user dashboard where you can see how you are progressing towards goals set by your supervisor. The dashboard displays widgets that aid in the tracking process. As a user, you will have control over which are visible!  

In this article, we will cover how to customize and understand your Launchpad tab's view, and will detail how to navigate each of your accessible widgets. 

Customizing Your Launchpad View

To customize your Launchpad view, start by opening your Launchpad tab from the left-hand navigation bar. If you are an EverTrue user, you will see your own Launchpad within the Gift Officer tab, and your portfolio team view within the Team tab. If you are an EverTrue owner/admin, you will have a dropdown on both tabs from which you can access all individual user Launchpads and all team views. 

Continue the customization process by clicking the Actions dropdown menu while in your Gift Officer tab and selecting Enable Drag to Reorder or Add/Remove Widgets.

Enable Drag to Reorder will allow you to rearrange your visible widgets whereas Add/Remove Widgets will allow you to show or hide available widgets. Be sure to click Save after utilizing either customization option! 

Understanding Your Launchpad View

When in your Launchpad's Gift Officer tab, you will see a dropdown near the top of the page that offers you three different ways to view widget activity: Everything, Any Team, and portfolio team name. 

Each view option will impact your widget calculations differently.

  • Everything: If selected, all interactions and proposals will be included in the widget activity count, regardless of prospect assignment status. This allows interactions and proposals for prospects who are not assigned to you to be included in the counts.
  • Any Team: If selected, widget activity count is narrowed to prospects assigned to you (where you are listed as their interaction solicitor within Portfolios) within your various portfolio teams. This means you will see aggregated interaction and proposal counts. Please note if you are only part of one portfolio team, you will not see the Any Team option in your dropdown. 
  • Portfolio team name: If selected, you will only see interaction and proposal counts for assigned prospects on a particular portfolio team (e.g. Athletics). 


The Interactions widget visible in your Gift Officer tab shows you all current fiscal year interactions logged for constituents assigned to you, your goal (if applicable), and a measure of progress to your goal. You must also be a solicitor on the logged interaction itself in order for it to appear in this Launchpad widget. By clicking the widget, you will see a list of all the interactions logged. 

The Interactions widget visible in your Team tab shows you all current fiscal year interactions logged for constituents assigned to your team's gift officers, your team's goal, and a measure of your team's progress to their goal. The goal number pulls from the Total Interactions goal that is set for the entire team, not the aggregation of goals for each solicitor in the team.

Please keep in the following insights regarding this widget:

  • can set goals
  • The goal number shown in your Team tab pulls from the Total Interactions goal that is set for the entire team, not the aggregation of goals for each solicitor on the team.
  • Interactions manually logged in EverTrue (with the exception of EverTrue Comments and Notes) as well as those logged in your CRM and imported to EverTrue will be included in your interaction count. This holds true at both the individual and team level.


The Proposals widget found in your Gift Officer tab displays the total ask and total funded amounts of active proposals created this fiscal year for constituents assigned to you. You must also be a solicitor on the logged proposal itself in order for the amounts to appear in this Launchpad widget. If you click the widget, you will see a list of all proposals included.

The Proposals widget found in your Team tab displays the total ask and total funded amounts of active proposals created this fiscal year for constituents assigned to your team's gift officers.

Please keep in mind the following insights regarding this widget:

  • Account administrators can set goals for Proposal Ask Amounts and Proposal Funded Amounts at both the individual and team levels
  • When uploading proposal data into EverTrue, your EverTrue admin has the ability to indicate which proposals should be counted in the Proposals widget in Launchpad, regardless of creation date. If proposals are not flagged via this field, Launchpad will use the current logic of only looking for created dates within the current fiscal year.
    • To set this capability up, your EverTrue admin will first need to contact or email your Implementation Partner. Secondly, they will need to map the field within your Proposal file to indicate whether or not a Proposal is reported via the IsReported header. This feature can be turned on and off at any time by your EverTrue admin.

Proposal Count

The Proposal Count widget displayed in your Gift Officer tab showcases the number of active proposals entered this fiscal year for constituents assigned to you, your goal (if applicable), and a measure of progress to your goal. You must also be a solicitor on the entered proposal itself in order for it to appear in this Launchpad widget. By clicking the widget, you will see a list of all proposals included.

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the number of active proposals entered this fiscal year for constituents assigned to your fundraising team. Additionally, constituents with proposals must have active assignments in this team to be included in Proposal Count.

We have some additional insights regarding this widget that we'd like you to keep in mind!

  • Account administrators can set Total Proposal goals at both the individual and team level.
  • The goal number shown in your Team tab pulls from the Total Proposals goal that is set for the entire team, not the aggregation of goals for each solicitor on the team.
  • When uploading Proposal data into EverTrue, your EverTrue admin has the ability to indicate which proposals should be counted in the Proposals Count widget in Launchpad, regardless of creation date. If proposals are not flagged via this field, Launchpad will use the current logic of only looking for created dates within the current fiscal year.
    • To set this capability up, your EverTrue admin will first need to contact or email your Implementation Partner. Secondly, they will need to map the field within your Proposal file to indicate whether or not a Proposal is reported via the IsReported header. This feature can be turned on and off at any time by your EverTrue admin.

Total Giving

The Total Giving widget is only visible in your Gift Officer tab. It shows a summary of the current fiscal year's giving totals for the number of constituents assigned to you. By clicking the widget, you will see the prospect names, their total giving amount, and their last gift date.


The Visits widget is only visible in your Gift Officer tab. It totals all current fiscal year interactions with visit credit for prospects assigned to you. Its Total Visits count reflects all visits, while its Unique Visits count reflects the number of prospects visited (i.e. if a prospect has multiple visit interactions this fiscal year, they will be considered one unique visit). Clicking the widget opens a window with two sections breaking down these two counts.

Be sure to keep the following insights in mind regarding this widget:

  • Account administrators can set Total Visits and Unique Visits goals at the individual level.
  • If your administrator has Total Visits and Unique Visits goals set, you'll also be able to see your progress towards these figures. To determine which interaction types get visit credit, please reach out to

Who to Visit

The Who to Visit widget is only visible in your Gift Officer tab. Restricted to the current fiscal year, it displays the assigned prospects you should consider visiting based on the amount of time that has elapsed since the last visit made to them. This widget looks for Visit Interaction types to determine whether someone is in need of a visit, and will rank individuals based on those most in need of a visit. As of now, the widget will show all teams for your org, but we are working on improving this to only show the teams that you are part of. 

Visit Pipeline 

The Visit Pipeline widget displayed in your Gift Officer tab tracks the current fiscal year's assigned prospects who you have and have not visited, and their varying priority. You will find the following stages within the widget: 

  • Not Visited - Includes your prospects who have never been visited.
  • Need to Visit - Includes prospects who have been visited before, but are due for another visit based on the visit threshold set for your team. 
  • Visit Soon - Includes prospects who have been visited before but they are soon due for a visit. You have about 90 days or less until they move to the Need to Visit stage. 
  • Visited Recently - Includes prospects who have been visited before and are not due for a visit. 

If you click the widget, you will be shown a list of prospects you need to visit sorted by stage order. The list starts with those in the Not Visited stage and moves all the way down to the Visited Recently stage. 

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the total number of your team's current fiscal year's assigned prospects corresponding to each visit stage. Clicking the widget while in this view allows you to see a more granular list detailing the number of prospects per visit stage for each solicitor on your team. 

Please keep the following insights in mind when viewing this pipeline:

  • what constitutes a visit
  • As of now, the widget will show all teams for your org, but we are working on improving this to only show the teams that you are part of. 

Upcoming Trips

The Upcoming Trips widget displayed in your Gift Officer tab lists all of your next trips and meetings scheduled in your Trips & Meetings tab, allowing you to adequately prepare for the current fiscal year's upcoming visits. This widget displays the trip or meeting name, type (trip, local meeting, virtual meeting, or phone meeting) and date. 

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see a list of the current fiscal year's upcoming trips and corresponding details for all solicitors on your team. 

Assignments by Stage

The Assignments by Stage widget found in your Gift Officer tab displays the total number of your current fiscal year's assigned prospects distributed by their corresponding pipeline solicitation stage. By clicking the widget itself, you will see a more granular view listing your assigned prospects and their relevant stage. As of now, the widget will show all teams for your org, but we are working on improving this to only show the teams that you are part of. 

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see an aggregated total of your team's current fiscal year's assigned prospects distributed by their corresponding pipeline solicitation stages. Clicking the widget in this view allows you to see a list detailing assigned prospects and their relevant stage paired back to each solicitor on your team. 

Who to Contact

The Who to Contact widget is only visible in your Gift Officer tab. Restricted to the current fiscal year, it displays the assigned prospects you should contact soon based on the amount of time that has elapsed since the last contact. We use dates of logged interactions (with the exception of EverTrue Comments and Notes) for these assigned prospects to help you prioritize your outreach. As of now, the widget will show all teams for your org, but we are working on improving this to only show the teams that you are part of. 

Contact Pipeline

The Contact Pipeline widget displayed in your Gift Officer tab tracks the current fiscal year's assigned prospect who you have and have not contacted, and their varying priority. You will find the following stages within the widget: 

  • Not Contacted - Includes your prospects who have never been contacted.
  • Need to Contact - Includes prospects who have been contacted before, but are due for another contact based on the contact threshold set for your team.
  • Contact Soon - Includes prospects who have been contacted before but they are soon due for outreach. You have about 30 days or less until they move to the Need to Contact stage. 
  • Contacted Recently - Includes prospects who have been contacted before and are not due for a contact. 

If you click the widget, you will be shown a list of prospects you need to contact sorted by stage order. The list starts with those in the Not Contacted stage and moves all the way down to the Contacted Recently stage.

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the aggregated number of your team's current fiscal year's assigned prospects corresponding to each contact stage. Clicking the widget while in this view allows you to see a more granular list detailing the number of prospects per contact stage for each solicitor on your team. 

Be sure to keep the following insights in mind when viewing this pipeline!

  • Within their Portfolios tab, admins must set a Contact Threshold at the team level representing the number of days allowed to pass between contacts. This widget calculates its pipeline at the individual and team level by looking at the set threshold and the latest date of an interaction on which you are the solicitor.
  • As of now, the widget will show all teams for your org, but we are working on improving this to only show the teams that you are part of. 


The Donor widget is only available in your Gift Officer tab. It shows a count of how many prospects are assigned to you, and how many of those prospects have made a gift in the current fiscal year.

This widget is only available when a single team is selected at the top of your Launchpad tab or if you are part of only one team. If Everything or Any Team is selected and you are part of more than one team, you will see a "Select a single team to see donors" message appear within this widget. 

Substantive DXO Asks

The Substantive DXO Asks widget found in your Gift Officer tab shows the current fiscal year's count of your DXO Ask interaction type marked as substantive. Additionally, it shows a count of the unique prospects assigned to you who have received substantive DXO asks during the current fiscal year. 

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the aggregated current fiscal year's count of your team's DXO Ask interaction type marked as substantive. Additionally, you will find a count of unique prospects assigned to your team who have received substantive DXO asks during the current fiscal year. 

DXO Asks

The DXO Asks widget displayed in your Gift Officer tab shows a count of your DXO Ask interaction type as well as a count of the unique prospects assigned to you who have received DXO asks during the current fiscal year. 

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the aggregated count of your team's DXO Ask interaction type as well as a count of unique prospects assigned to them who have received DXO asks during the current fiscal year.

DXO Threshold Asks

The DXO Threshold Asks widget found in your Gift Officer tab shows a summary of the current fiscal year's dollars asked above a team-level threshold, and a count of the number of asks above the threshold. Within their Portfolios tab, admins have the ability to set a DXO Ask Threshold at the team level. 

This widget is only available when a single team is selected at the top of your Launchpad tab or if you are part of only one team. If Everything or Any Team is selected and you are part of more than one team, you will see a "Select a single team to see dxo threshold asks" message appear within this widget. 

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the aggregated summary of your team's current fiscal year's dollars asked above the team-level threshold, and an aggregated count of the number of asks above the threshold. 

DXO Ask Dollars

The DXO Ask Dollars widget found in your Gift Officer tab shows a summary of the current fiscal year's dollars you've asked of your assigned prospects.

When viewing this widget in your Team tab, you will see the aggregated summary of your team's current fiscal year's dollars asked of their assigned prospects.

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at



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