All About: Proposals
Note: Your organization must be sending assignment data through our Portfolios Assignment model. You are on this model is you see a Portfolio tab in EverTrue (not My Portfolios), and if you deliver a Portfolio assignment file to Data Manager.
Imported as a separate, additional .csv file, proposal data is a key piece of information for Gift Officers. You can quickly search and filter on your proposals, or drill into a specific proposal and write an interaction to track your progress!
Configuring Your Proposal Form
Use the guide below to help you decide how you would like to configure your proposal form in EverTrue. This may be the first time you are standardizing the proposal process, or you may be recreating an existing form in EverTrue. Either way, we have customization options that should fit your team's needs and requirements! For additional information, you can reference the Proposal File Guide.
When configuring your proposal form, you can assign a particular amount to a specific proposal stage. This will dictate the amount that is highlighted in EverTrue when you are looking at each stage within your proposal. For example, users might assign the Ask Amount to the Solicit Stage, and so forth. To configure this feature, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Establishing Internal Proposal Form Expectations
We suggest having an all-hands internal meeting to establish your proposal form and set guidelines that will be used by your entire institution. Here are a few questions to help get that conversation started:
- How do you expect your users to interact with the form? When? How often?
- Will EverTrue's proposal form be the primary entry method of proposals?
- Will your team still be able to enter proposals in your database?
- Are you looking to simplify or improve your current process? If so, how?
- What fields do you require from your team when writing a proposal?
- What teams at your institution will be using this form? Does every team use the same process? Will you need to combine requirements from those teams into a singular institution-wide form?
Breaking Down the Proposal Form
EverTrue's proposal form includes the following fields, some of which are standard and others that are configured. Notes are included next to fields that require configuration assistance from EverTrue below. If you'd like to mark more fields as required by your team, let our EverTrue Support Team at know! We will be able to configure required fields as needed.
- Additional Prospects: These can be configured for you by EverTrue.
- Title (required)
- Description
- Proposal Type
- Date Created (defaults to today)
- Solicitors (required): A maximum of 5 of these can be configured for you by EverTrue.
- Solicitor Titles: These can be configured for you by EverTrue
- Key Proposals: Indicate which proposals are key proposals. This information can be imported by your organization or be enabled through a gate.
- Proposal Stage: These values are imported to EverTrue, but the values in this field can be adjusted (added, removed, or updated) in EverTrue data.
- Original Ask Date & Amount: "If/Then" logic can be implemented for these fields by EverTrue so that if an ask date or amount is input, the corresponding date or amount field will be marked as required.
- Current Ask Date & Amount: "If/Then" logic can be implemented for these fields by EverTrue so that if an ask date or amount is input, the corresponding date or amount field will be marked as required.
- Expected Ask Date & Amount: "If/Then" logic can be implemented for these fields by EverTrue so that if an ask date or amount is input, the corresponding date or amount field will be marked as required.
- Funded Ask Date & Amount: "If/Then" logic can be implemented for these fields by EverTrue so that if an ask date or amount is input, the corresponding date or amount field will be marked as required.
- Active (y/n)
- Launchpad (y/n): This is set by a gate, and will indicate whether this proposal is included in your Launchpad instance.
- Confidence Rating (percentage)
- Designation Type: Select up to 5 designations for the proposal funds (e.g. Annual Fund).
- Designation Value: Percentage to indicate how much of the proposal is designated where. These can be configured for you by EverTrue.
- Custom Fields: Optional, these are imported to EverTrue by your institution.
Specific fields in your in-app proposal form have default character limits. When configuring your proposal form, you can request lower character limits for these fields. Currently, the following fields are included:
- Proposal Title - default of 190 character limit.
- Proposal Description - default of 65,534 character limit.
Setting character limits that differ from the above defaults can be helpful for creating consistency between your EverTrue data and the data found in your chosen CRM. If you would like to adjust the default character limits for these fields, let our EverTrue Support Team at know!
Proposal Form Example
Take a look at an example of how a proposal form will look in EverTrue once configured!
All proposals entered in EverTrue will come out in export for you to push back into your database. Reach out to your Implementation Partner or if you have any questions!
Viewing Proposals
Need to view your proposals after import? We have several ways you can locate these within EverTrue!
Using the Proposals Tab
You will find your proposals in an easy-to-use table within the default screen of your navigation bar's Proposals tab. This table will display your institution's imported proposal data.
When in this tab, you can use the drop-down above the table to quickly sort your proposals into active and/or inactive statuses and by stage. Additionally, all columns can be sorted by the Ask Date, Created Date, Expected Date, Funded Date, or Time in Stage in either ascending or descending order. Click on a specific proposal name to see a detailed view.
Using the Constituents Tab
In addition to locating proposals within the table found in your Proposals tab, you can filter for proposals in your Constituents tab. You will see 5 filters that can be used: Proposal Ask Amount, Proposal Ask Date, Proposal Status, Proposal Solicitors, and Has Active Proposal?. Use these filters to narrow down constituents, interactions, or proposals related to that data.
Using a Constituent Profile
An easy way to view proposals associated with a particular constituent is by heading to the constituent profile's Proposals tab. You will find the imported proposal data organized in an easy-to-use table within this tab.
You can use the drop-down above the table to quickly sort the constituent's proposals into active and/or inactive statuses and by stage. Additionally, all columns can be sorted by the Ask Date, Created Date, Expected Date, Funded Date, or Time in Stage in either ascending or descending order. Click on a specific proposal name to see a detailed view.
Understanding a Proposal's Detail View
When you open a proposal, you will be brought to its detailed view. This is where key information related to the proposal will live. If you assigned a particular amount to a specific stage when configuring your proposal form, you'll see the assigned amount emphasized near the top of your detail view. For instance, if you assigned the Expected amount to your Cultivate stage, the amount will be highlighted above your Original, Ask, and Funded amounts.
If you do not have an amount assigned to a stage, nothing will be emphasized and the form will resume its default order (i.e. Ask, Original, Expected, Funded). This is an optional feature you can utilize. To set this up, contact your Customer Success Manager, and they will configure this feature for you.
For any other questions, reach out to EverTrue Support at
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