All About: Lists

What are EverTrue Lists?

EverTrue Lists are a great way to save a group of constituents for easy reference or help collaborate with a colleagues on any project. For example, if you’re prepping for a specific Facebook campaign or planning an event, begin by populating a list of constituents you're interested in. At any point, you can invite another EverTrue user within your organization to help out by adding them as a list collaborator so they can view, edit, or add notes to that list. You can learn more about list collaboration here.

If you are curious about differences between Lists and Saved Searches, you can find a comparison of these two features two here!

Creating and Viewing Lists

Need to create a group of constituents to help with planning an event, a campaign, or something else? Whether on web or mobile, there are several ways you can add constituents to a new list or view previously-created lists.

Using the Lists Tab to Create and View Lists

Head to your Lists tab on the left-hand navigation bar to create a new list or view lists you've already made. Once here, you will find a table of already-created lists organized by name. Click Actions in the upper-right corner to access the Create List function. When creating a new list, we recommend choosing a name that is both descriptive and easy to remember so you can quickly find it later!

Using the Constituents Tab to Create and View Lists

You can also add constituents to a new or existing list from any filtered search completed on your Constituents tab.

Once you've set your filters and conducted your search, click the check box to the left of a constituent's name or click the check box next to Add to... to select all 50 people on the first page. If you'd like to bulk add all constituents from your filtered search, click the checkbox next to Add to... and then Select all X Constituents in the light blue bar to bulk add all of your search results. Please note you will also find this option to bulk add a set of constituents to a list from your Saved Searches tab. 

Next, click the Add to... dropdown to create a new list for these constituents or add them to an existing list. If creating new list, you can either type your new list name in the search bar to receive a creation prompt or click Create a new list at the bottom of the dropdown to receive a naming prompt.

Using a Constituent Profile to Create and View Lists

You will find similar options when adding a constituent to a list directly from their profile. When in a profile, click the Actions button in the upper-right corner and then Add constituent to list to prompt a pop-up box in which you can create a new list for the constituent or add them to an existing list.

If creating new list, you can either type your new list name in the search bar to receive a creation prompt or click Create a new list at the bottom of the pop-up box to receive a naming prompt.

If you are looking for how to create and view lists via your iOS app, you will find the steps in our mobile guide!

Deleting Lists

You can only delete lists that you own vs. lists shared with you by other EverTrue users within your organization. Please note there is not currently a way to delete a list in iOS and that this action will need to be taken on the web.

To delete a list, head to your Lists tab and click the name of the list you wish to delete. Open the Actions dropdown menu in the right-hand corner and select Delete List to take this action. 

Creating Lists through Copy and Paste

We know you’ve created lists of contacts in Excel or Word and saved them — maybe even for years! — to folders on your computer. You can now take these offline lists and replicate them in EverTrue through copy and paste, enabling you to take advantage of the in-depth insights available only in our platform. Replicating an offline list is a great way to:

  • Take a deeper dive into that Excel file you’ve been using outside of EverTrue for YEARS.
  • Create a complex list of people directly from your database, then copy it into EverTrue to easily see interactions, career information, giving history, and more. 
  • Pop a list of event attendees into EverTrue to see their giving potential, how actively they engage with your Facebook pages, or check if they already have a gift officer assignment.
  • Share a list of prospects directly with another EverTrue user (a class agent or volunteer fundraiser, perhaps?).
  • Simplify outreach to parents by creating a contact list of one parent per family to avoid duplicate solicitations.
  • Get additional intel on alumni who have registered for a reunion. Keep adding to this list as the registrations come in!
  • Track gifts by volunteer group. Copy lists of trustees, committee members, volunteer fundraisers, faculty, or staff and see if gifts have come in or create an appeal for those who haven’t yet made a commitment.
  • Track giving potential, engagement, and participation among affinity groups. 
  • Use lists of alumni from other databases (fraternities, sororities, student clubs, etc.) to see how their participation and engagement rates stack up, then drill down for more intel to create better solicitations.
  • Take a list of people you’ve invited to an upcoming event, but who haven’t yet responded. Look at the list within EverTrue and see who’s engaged with you recently and then reach out to them directly to help drive attendance.

Adding to a New List

Head to your Lists tab on the left-hand navigation bar. Open the Actions dropdown menu in the right-hand corner and click Create List to prompt a pop-up box in which you can create a new list. 

Give your list a name and select either Email or Remote ID to reflect what you will be bulk adding. Copy and paste your list of up to 500 email addresses or user IDs from their original source into the bottom text box and click Create List.

We'll match those email addresses or user IDs to records in seconds, allowing you to dive deeper into that list and see how these users are engaging with your institution on Facebook, look up giving information, see their last gift date, and more!

Please note that EverTrue will only accept emails or IDs that match to records your organization has already sent to our platform. If the email or ID is unrecognized, we will let you know. 

Adding to an Existing List

If you want to add constituents from an offline list to an already-existing list, head back to your Lists tab and click on the name of the list to open it. Open the Actions dropdown menu in the right-hand corner and select Add Constituents to List. You'll then see the same option to bulk add by Email or Remote ID through copying and pasting constituent emails/IDs into the bottom text box. 

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at

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