Exploring Windfall Philanthropic Interests

EverTrue has teamed up with Windfall Wealth Screening to pull wealth indicators directly onto EverTrue constituent profiles. Windfall collects information about your most affluent individuals.

Locating Philanthropic Interests within a Constituent Profile

Windfall's philanthropic interest data can be found near the bottom of a constituent profile's Enrichment tab within the Philanthropic Interest section. The interests listed in this section relate to the constituent's philanthropic giving, as well as indicate their preferred political party (if applicable). 

Filtering Windfall Philanthropic Interests

This Windfall-provided data can also be found and filtered on within your Constituents tab of the left-hand navigation bar using the Interests filter.

When using the Interests filter, you'll have access to 3 political party alignments (Democrat, Republican, and Independent) as well as 26 philanthropic classifications provided by Windfall. These classifications highlight the causes and types of organizations a constituent may prioritize in their giving. 

The Windfall-provided philanthropic interests include: 

  • Animal-Related: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to provide for the care, protection, and control of wildlife and domestic animals that are a part of the living environment, to help people develop an understanding of their pets, and to train animals for purposes of showing.
  • Art, Culture, & Humanities: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to promote appreciation for and enjoyment and understanding of the visual, performing, folk, and media arts; the humanities (archaeology, art history, modern and classical languages, philosophy, ethics, theology, and comparative religion); history and historical events; and/or communications (film, video, publishing, journalism, radio, television).
  • Civil Rights, Social Action, & Advocacy: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to protect and promote the broad civil rights of groups and civil liberties of individuals, to work for the realization of specific social or political goals, or to encourage the participation of people in the public policy debate.
  • Community Improvement & Capacity Building: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is community improvement and capacity building.
  • Crime & Legal-Related: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is crime and legal related.
  • Education: Private nonprofit organizations or institutions whose primary focus is on education.
  • Employment: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is employment.
  • Environment: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to preserve, protect, and improve the environment.
  • Food, Agriculture & Nutrition: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is food, agriculture, and nutrition.
  • Healthcare: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is healthcare.
  • Housing & Shelter: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is housing and sheltering.
  • Human Services: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is human services.
  • International, Foreign Affairs, & National Security: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to provide services or other forms of support to increase mutual understanding across countries, encourage social, economic or political development outside of the U.S., and/or impact national, multilateral or international policies on international issues.
  • Medical Research: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is medical research.
  • Mental Health & Crisis Intervention: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is to promote mental health and aid in crisis intervention.
  • Mutual & Membership Benefit: Private nonprofit organizations whose activities focus on mutual and membership benefit.
  • Philanthropy, Voluntarism, & Grantmaking Foundations: Private nonprofit organizations whose activities focus on philanthropy, voluntarism, and grantmaking foundations.
  • Public & Societal Benefit: Private nonprofit organizations whose activities focus on public and societal benefit (including government, taxation, public services).
  • Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, & Relief: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is public safety, disaster preparedness, and disaster relief.
  • Recreation & Sports: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is recreation and sports.
  • Religion-Related: Private nonprofit organizations whose activities focus on religion, or religion-related causes.
  • Science & Technology: Private nonprofit organizations whose activities focus on science and technology.
  • Social Science: Private nonprofit organizations whose activities focus on social science.
  • Unknown: This is a temporary code for organizations until information is available to classify the entity in one of the major groups listed above.
  • Voluntary Health Associations & Medical Disciplines: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is voluntary health associations and medical disciplines.
  • Youth Development: Private nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is youth development.

These filters provide insights into philanthropic interests, helping you better understand and engage with your constituents. 

For any other questions reach out to EverTrue Support at genius@evertrue.com.

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