Configuring Total Giving and Categorized Giving Data from Raiser's Edge NXT
Configuring Total Giving
Raiser's Edge NXT can count total giving by either campaign or cash in the door. When counted by campaign, the following gift types (including hard and soft credit) are included:
- Donation
- GiftInKind
- PlannedGift
- Pledge (BALANCE)
- Pledge Payment
- RecurringGiftPayment
- Stock
- SoldStock
- Other
- MatchingGiftPledge (BALANCE)
- MatchingGiftPayment
When counted by cash in the door, the following gift types (including hard and soft credit) are included:
- Donation
- GiftInKind
- PlannedGift
- PledgePayment
- RecurringGiftPayment
- Stock
- SoldStock
- Other
- MatchingGiftPayment
Pledge Write-Offs Impact on Total Giving Configuration
It is important to note that pledges with write-offs will be shown as a Last Gift or Largest Gift to show donor's intent, however, they will not be listed in the gift transaction file and will inform the calculations of Lifetime Giving.
For example, if a donor has a $14 pledge that was written off the pledge will still be included under Last Gift and/or Largest Gift. However, the pledge being fully written off would result in a Lifetime Giving of $0.
Split Gift Impact on Total Giving Configuration
Even when a gift is split between multiple designations, the entire gift is used when computing statistics. For example, a $10,000 gift split between four designations would count as a single $10,000 gift in total giving calculations rather than four separate gifts.
Counting entire gifts ensure that the donor's intent (i.e. to gift $10,000 to a school rather than four separate gifts totaling $10,000) is reflected in EverTrue's data. Gift label fields in EverTrue reflect all of the designations to which a gift was made (e.g. "Annual Fund" or "Annual Fund/LibraryEndowment/Smith Family Scholarship").
Most Recent Gift Impact on Total Giving Configuration
If there are multiple gifts on the same day, the largest gift is shown. Pledge payments are also included, and the current balance is shown if the most recent gift type is Pledge or MatchingGiftPledge.
Largest Gift Impact on Total Giving Configuration
When there are multiple gifts tied for the largest dollar amount, the most recent largest gift is shown. Pledge payments are also included, and the current balance is shown if the largest gift type is Pledge or MatchingGiftPledge.
The full gift amount is used for the largest gifts, so when a gift is split between multiple designations the largest gift will reflect the full gift amount rather than the largest gift split. As explained when covering split gifts, this approach is used to ensure the donor's actual intent and behavior are reflected in EverTrue's data.
Recurring Payment Impact on Total Giving Configuration
If a gift type with RecurringGift or RecurringGiftPayment has been made within the last <recurring_gift_threshold> days, then this flag is set to YES. The recurring_gift_threshold is set in the platform configuration. If not set, a default of 60 days is applied.
Yearly Giving Totals Impact on Total Giving Configuration
When counting pledges, the current pledge balance is counted for the year in which the pledge was made and the pledge payments are counted for the year(s) in which they are made. This is consistent with Raiser's Edge NXT's default gift counting.
Configuring Categorized Giving
When categorized giving is configured, both hard and soft credits are included in the calculations. To compute categorized giving, splits are treated as individual gifts. For example, a $10,000 gift split between four designations with $1,000 going to the annual fund would be treated as a $1,000 annual fund donation if the giving category is annual fund.
Write-offs cannot be computed for categorized giving. Additionally, the full amount of a gift has to go to all soft credit recipients.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
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